ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Human motions

Authoring directed gaze for full-body motion capture

EgoCap: egocentric marker-less motion capture with two fisheye cameras

Data-driven inverse dynamics for human motion

WarpDriver: context-aware probabilistic motion prediction for crowd simulation

Gesture3D: posing 3D characters via gesture drawings

SESSION: Complex rendering

Downsampling scattering parameters for rendering anisotropic media

Adaptive matrix column sampling and completion for rendering participating media

Efficient rendering of heterogeneous polydisperse granular media

Image-space control variates for rendering

Simulating the structure and texture of solid wood

SESSION: Indoor scene modeling

Structure-oriented networks of shape collections

Dynamic furniture modeling through assembly instructions

Action-driven 3D indoor scene evolution

Emptying, refurnishing, and relighting indoor spaces

SESSION: All about seeing

Blocking harmful blue light while preserving image color appearance

Motion parallax in stereo 3D: model and applications

Unsupervised texture transfer from images to model collections

Regional foremost matching for internet scene images

Towards foveated rendering for gaze-tracked virtual reality

SESSION: Sound and pattern synthesis

Interactive sound propagation with bidirectional path tracing

Crumpling sound synthesis

gTangle: a grammar for the procedural generation of tangle patterns

Representing and scheduling procedural generation using operator graphs

Printone: interactive resonance simulation for free-form print-wind instrument design

SESSION: Materials

Simultaneous acquisition of microscale reflectance and normals

An intuitive control space for material appearance

Recovering shape and spatially-varying surface reflectance under unknown illumination

Minimal BRDF sampling for two-shot near-field reflectance acquisition

Sparse-as-possible SVBRDF acquisition

SESSION: Computational photography

Computational bounce flash for indoor portraits

Deep joint demosaicking and denoising

Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras

Learning-based view synthesis for light field cameras

Birefractive stereo imaging for single-shot depth acquisition


360° video stabilization

Temporally coherent completion of dynamic video

Robust background identification for dynamic video editing

Jump: virtual reality video

SESSION: Smash 'n splash

SMASH: physics-guided reconstruction of collisions from videos

Eulerian solid-fluid coupling

A scalable schur-complement fluids solver for heterogeneous compute platforms

Dispersion kernels for water wave simulation

SESSION: Filtering images

Bilateral guided upsampling

Parallel recursive filtering of infinite input extensions

Rapid, detail-preserving image downscaling

VizGen: accelerating visual computing prototypes in dynamic languages

SESSION: Shapes and semantics

Relationship templates for creating scene variations

Shape2Vec: semantic-based descriptors for 3D shapes, sketches and images

Functionality preserving shape style transfer

A scalable active framework for region annotation in 3D shape collections

SESSION: Fantastic elastics

High-resolution interaction with corotational coarsening models

Descent methods for elastic body simulation on the GPU

Reconstructing personalized anatomical models for physics-based body animation

Vivace: a practical gauss-seidel method for stable soft body dynamics

SESSION: Parameterization and remeshing

Bounded distortion parametrization in the space of metrics

Computing inversion-free mappings by simplex assembly

Hyperbolic orbifold tutte embeddings

Interactively controlled quad remeshing of high resolution 3D models

SESSION: Scanning and tracking people

Corrective 3D reconstruction of lips from monocular video

Model-based teeth reconstruction

High-fidelity facial and speech animation for VR HMDs

Sphere-meshes for real-time hand modeling and tracking

SESSION: Fabrication

FlexMolds: automatic design of flexible shells for molding

FrameFab: robotic fabrication of frame shapes

Fabrication of freeform objects by principal strips

Stochastic structural analysis for context-aware design and fabrication

Computational multicopter design

SESSION: High resolution

Efficient GPU path rendering using scanline rasterization

Pyramid of arclength descriptor for generating collage of shapes

GST: GPU-decodable supercompressed textures

Scalable inside-out image-based rendering

SESSION: Meshes and fields

Mesh denoising via cascaded normal regression

Practical 3D frame field generation

Interchangeable components for hands-on assembly based modelling

Fast and reliable example-based mesh IK for stylized deformations

SESSION: Data-driven modeling

Interactive mechanism modeling from multi-view images

Block assembly for global registration of building scans

3D attention-driven depth acquisition for object identification

Automated view and path planning for scalable multi-object 3D scanning

Directing user attention via visual flow on web designs

SESSION: Tessellations

Power coordinates: a geometric construction of barycentric coordinates on convex polytopes

Optimal voronoi tessellations with hessian-based anisotropy

Manifold differential evolution (MDE): a global optimization method for geodesic centroidal voronoi tessellations on meshes

Centroidal power diagrams with capacity constraints: computation, applications, and extension

SESSION: It's all about sampling

Robust light transport simulation via metropolised bidirectional estimators

Temporal gradient-domain path tracing

Low-discrepancy blue noise sampling

Stair blue noise sampling

Texture space caching and reconstruction for ray tracing