The ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 elections are upon us. If you were a member of ACM SIGGRAPH as of 1 January 2014, you should have received an email with an electronic ballot. Votes may be cast online using the voter ID and password provided in the email.

The slate of candidates is as follows:


  • Jeff Jortner, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, USA

Vice President:

  • Brian Wyvill, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom
  • Jackie White, California State University, Los Angeles (retired), Seattle, Washington, USA

Director at Large:

  • Shimin Hu Tsinghua, University Beijing, China
  • Evan Hirsch, Engine Co. 4, Santa Monica, California, USA

If ACM does not have your current email address, you should receive voting information by post. Members also have the option of requesting a paper ballot. If you prefer to vote by paper ballot, please contact Helios Lab at Note that 16:00 UTC, 2 June 2014 is the deadline for submitting your vote!