Mortadelo & Filemon is a beloved Spanish comic book series about the slapstick exploits of two secret agents in the TIA (Técnicos de Investigación Aeroterráquea, a spoof on the CIA). This year, the series has been adapted to a feature-length computer animated movie by Madrid-based Ilion Animation Studios. The film, entitled "Mortadelo & Filemon: Mission Implausible" (Mortadelo y Filemón contra Jimmy el Cachondo), will debut in theaters across Spain on November 28, but participants of SIGGRAPH Asia have the opportunity to attend a special screening of the film as part of the conference's Computer Animation Festival. The showing at SIGGRAPH Asia is the first time "Mortadelo & Filemon" will be screened in Asia.
In addition to a screening of "Mortadelo & Filemon," SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 offers attendees a rare glimpse behind the scenes of the film's production with a Featured Session entitled "Creating a quality featured animation from a renowned IP with budget constraints: "Mortadelo & Filemon: Mission Implausible."
According to Javier Fesser, the film's director, "Mortadelo & Filemon" has a style that is neither photo-realistic nor traditionally animated. The intention behind this unique style is to convey the imperfections of a dirty world.
"Mortadelo & Filemon" is especially remarkable because of the budget constraints under which it was created. "We pushed the efficiency of the studio," said Fesser, "finding new workflows to produce stable shaders, writing custom software to reuse lighting between shots and a whole suite of animation tools for a streamlined production."
If you're planning to attend SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 and are interested in the "Mortadelo & Filemon" events, details are as follows:
Featured Session: Creating a quality featured animation from a renowned IP with budget constraints: "Mortadelo & Filemon: Mission Implausible"
Friday, December 5, 11:00 am – 12:45 pm
Bougainvillea Hall
Computer Animation Festival Special Screening: Mortadelo & Filemon: Mission Implausible
(English Subtitles)
Friday, December 5, 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Bougainvillea Hall
Registration for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 closes on November 20. For more information on the "Mortadelo & Filemon" events at SIGGRAPH Asia, visit the Computer Animation Festival and Featured Sessions pages of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 website.