The Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG) is one of the oldest annual meetings of the computer graphics community in Central Europe, and covers a wide variety of topics on computer graphics, image processing and imaging applications. This year, SCCG will be held in cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, and a number of other well-known computer graphics organizations.
The philosophy of SCCG is to bring together top CG experts and young computer graphics researchers, and to provide a communication channel for the East-West exchange of prospective ideas. The exchange of such ideas will be facilitated by an idyllic backdrop this spring — SCCG 2015 will take place in a rebuilt 15th century castle nestled in the Little Carpathian mountains of Slovakia (roughly 120 kilometers from Vienna).
For those interested in submitting to SCCG 2015, submission deadlines are close at hand. Full papers are due by February 8, 2015, and short papers and posters are due by March 8, 2015.
Potential paper and poster topics for SCCG 2015 include rendering, geometry modeling, natural phenomena, visualization, image processing, computer vision and more. The conference organizers welcome posters covering recent research work, late-breaking technical results, and work in progress. Post-conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Full-length scientific papers for SCCG 2015 will be handled through Elsevier Computers & Graphics journal paper reviewing system. Papers exhibiting high quality will be published in a special section of the prestigious Computers & Graphics journal. The remaining accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and later published on ACM Digital Library.
For more information on submitting to SCCG 2015, or registering for the conference, visit the SCCG 2015 website.