Evolution of the Sciences, Informatics, Human Integration and 
Scientific Education
( ESIHISE 2019 )

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Spain
October 3 – 5, 2019

Introduction and Topics, Deadlines and Program Committee

1. Introduction and Topics

The modernization of the sciences and education is and will be one of the cornerstones for all the inhabitants of our planet. Those who from the 1980 have been behind this issue have been direct and indirect witnesses of great breakthroughs and some recoils. These ups and downs are due to exogenous or endogenous factors, to the daily reality of the formal and factual sciences. Many of those factors are beyond the control of all those scientists and professors, who, in a modest and honest way, collaborate in the development of the quality of life of all humankind.

An evolution or revolution which dilutes narrows the digital divide (i.e. between users with a paid access to non-original multimedia content through a set of ultra-modern mobile devices; and users with a free access to creative multimedia content through a set of the classical non-mobile devices) among the human beings whose theoretical and practical research focuses on the cornerstones of the current population pyramid, as well as for the future generations oriented at the use of the latest interactive technologies in the communicability and quantic-nanotechnological-self-sufficient era.

This is an era in which the universities, for example, have focused on accelerating the statistic numbers of degrees issued in relation to the registered students or the spot they take in the listing of the best colleges within and without their borders. In this regard there have been a myriad measurement tables with different qualitative parameters sometimes contradictory with each other if one considers the whole global village described by McLuhan. This phenomenon is an exported fashion to the most remote corners of the planet, where the educational and scientific priorities, obviously, are totally different from the wild quantification of knowledge.

If this tendency of scientific and educational knowledge is established, it is important to ask some rhetoric questions such as:

  • Why in many industrialized countries are there so many university professionals in view of the high unemployment rates in situ?
  • What is the financial cost for the original communities of turning their nuclear specialists, engineers, industrialists, mathematicians, etc., in teacher for interface design, human-computer interaction, cognitive science, tourism, journalism, business administration; or their graduates in audiovisual, architecture, computer programmer, physics, mathematics, to mention a few examples, in experts of invalidity or autism; or the graduates in fine arts, literature, etc., in pedagogues for robotics, electronics, medicine and marketing, among others?
  • How can it be achieved that the previous asymmetries and theoretical and practical detractions, whether it is in the training or workplace stage, not only do not have room, but are boosted in the new millennium, under the alleged supervision of the educational and scientific authorities?
  • Who really controls the trends in the market of supply and demand in the local and global education university?
  • Are there mechanisms to detect the creation of educational and scientific models alien to the reality in which the different nations are immersed?

This tiny set of questions, whether it is in a latent or manifest way, shows us the behaviour of millions of people daily. Questions that should be enlarged as we talk about the modernization of the sciences and education, as a kind of infinite semiosis, not only to grasp the current state, but also with a sight intent on the short, middle and long term for the scientific education of the future generations.

The current international conference is intended to be an open space for the interchange of original ideas, valid theories, innovating experiences, results obtained, learned lessons and future research works, in the educational, scientific and industrial field. The exchange of knowledge, training, research and development in this triad encounter the following main and secondary issues, which are listed as follows.

All contributions –papers, workshops, demos, research-in-progress, posters, doctoral consortium, etc., should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects and other main areas are solicited on, but not limited to (alphabetical order):

:: Modernization of the Sciences and Education

• Educational Research
• Engineering Education
• Epistemology
• Fields of Science Education
• Formal and Factual Sciences
• Human and Social Factors
• Informal Science Education
• New Challenges in Formal Education
• Scientific Method 
• Scientific Modelling

:: Science of Information and Computer Information Systems

• e-Science
• Human-Computer Interaction: Past, Present and Future 
• Information and Communication Technology
• Interactive Systems: Design, Communicability and Evaluation 
• Knowledge Visualization
• Smart Environments 
• Social Computing

:: People, Science and New Technology

• Cultural Systems, Employment and Human Integration
• Diffussion of Innovation
• History of Science
• Knowledge Transfer
• Open Science
• Research and Technological Development
• Science 2.0
• Scientific Publications

Many conferences are focussed on specific aspects of education, computer science, humanistics studies, multidisciplinary approaches, etc. At such large conferences students are often marginalized or relegated to poster sessions, for instance. The ALAIPO and AInCI conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc., are not a very big scale and aim to promote dialogue between established professors and graduate students working on new directions. Hence topics from the whole range of modernization of the sciences and education, research and development, knowledge transfer, computer information systems, new challenges in university/tertary education, human and social factors, democratization of the scientific information and the new technologies, original and creative contents for scientific learning, among others are welcomed. Last year’s symposiums, workshops, conferences, etc., organized by ALAIPO and AInCI, for instance, included papers on the topics. An extensive listing connotes and reflects the requirement and also skill necessary to find intersection zones of the disciplines among the different domains, fields, and specialities; which at the same time potentially boosts and merges the formerly different scientific views.

Finally, all submitted research works will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the international conference.  Authors of accepted research works who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their contributions, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their research works.

Best regards, 

Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra (Chair – coordinator)
Doris Edison and Pamela Fulton (International Secretariat)

ALAIPO: Asociación Latina Interacción Persona-Ordenador –Latin Association of HCI (www.alaipo.com) and AINCI: Asociación Internacional de la Comunicación Interactiva –International Association of Interactive Communication (www.ainci.com). Address: Via Tabajani, S. 15 (7) – 24121 (Bergamo) Italy :: c/ Angel Baixeras, 5 – AP 1638 – 08080 (Barcelona), Spain. Email: info@alaipo.com :: info@ainci.com

2. The events have the following deadlines:

Works Submissions: Open. Consequently, as they are received, they will be evaluated. It is a way to speed up the process to make up the final program of the Conference. In other words, it is not necessary to wait until the deadline to send them for the evaluation.
Deadline Submissions: August, 27th 
Authors Notification: Two weeks after the submission/s 
Camera-ready, full papers: September, 28th