
The AAG has been established as an advisory body  to ensure that Art Gallery and Art Papers  continue to be valued  SIGGRAPH programs that serve the artist community and beyond.  This group will also provide counsel to the Conference Advisory Group (CAG) and SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Advisory Group (SACAG), as needed, on  multi-year, cross-conference issues that  affect the Art Gallery and Papers community.

AAG Membership:

The membership of the AAG includes a Chair and 2-3 Appointed members who serve three-year terms, as well as  ex-officio members representing the past, current, and immediate future chairs of the SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Art Papers and Art Gallery, and the current Chair of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community (DAC). 

AAG Responsibilities:

The AAG has the following responsibilities:

  • Be a resource to the ACM SIGGRAPH community for matters that affect the Art Gallery and Papers community
  • Represent the Art Gallery and Art Papers community in multi-year, cross-conference issues
  • Be a forum for discussion of issues that affect the Art Gallery and Papers community 
  • Provide support for Art Gallery and Papers chairs
  • Provide institutional memory for the Art Gallery and Papers chairs and programs
  • Help provide continuity and communication among Art Gallery and Papers Chairs
  • The AAG’s executive members have the following additional responsibilities, without the involvement of the ex-officio members:
    • recommend and vet Art Gallery and Papers Chairs to the SIGGRAPH Conference Chairs
    • recommend AAG governance guidelines to the EC/CAG for approval

Chair Role: 

 The AAG Chair leads the Arts Advisory Group, which serves as an advocate,  liaison, and representative of the SIGGRAPH Arts constituencies. Together with the Executive Committee, the Chair advises the SIGGRAPH Conference Chairs and EC/CAG on Art-related initiatives and issues. The Chair also consults with the full AAG  for feedback and suggestions related to the Art Papers and Art Gallery programs at SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia, and reports back regularly to SIGGRAPH leadership on its findings and activities. The AAG Chair should be a professional in the wider digital arts community,  and preferably also have direct leadership  experience with the Art Papers and/or Art Gallery programs.

Application Process:

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send a vision statement plus a copy of your CV to project-manager@acmsiggraph.org.

Application Deadline November 1, 2022