ACM SIGGRAPH presents the results of the 2023 elections to the organization’s Executive Committee.
Elizabeth Baron, a Solutions Executive at Unity Technologies, was elected to her second term as Director. Elizabeth works on solutions for the industrial design, engineering and manufacturing space, to powers creation at all points in the product development process. Formerly, Elizabeth was a Technical Specialist in Immersive Realities at Ford Motor Company. She is the principal inventor of the Ford immersive Vehicle Environment (FiVE) process and technology, an immersive environment with high realism in experience, providing contextual data and real time global immersion for multiple disciplines across Ford.
Alla Sheffer is Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and a Scholar at Amazon Inc. Professor Sheffer received her BSc (1991), MSc (1995), and PhD (2000) from Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. She investigates algorithms for geometry processing, focusing on fabrication and computer graphics applications. Sheffer is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of ACM, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of Eurographics, and a Member of the SIGGRAPH Academy. She is the recipient of the 2018 Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award; a UBC Killam Research Award; multiple faculty awards from Adobe, Google and IBM; an NSERC Discovery Accelerator award; and an Audi Production Award.
Courtney Starrett is an interdisciplinary artist and Associate Professor in the Visualization Program in the new School of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts at Texas A&M University. She is a founding member and associate director of the VIVID Lab (Visceral Intersensory Visualization & Information Design) of the Texas A&M Data Science Institute and a faculty affiliate of the HCIED (Human-Computer Interaction and Engineering Design Lab). Courtney holds the Harold Adams Interdisciplinary endowed professorship and is currently the director of the MS and MFA in Visualization graduate programs. Her creative research focuses on data materialization, using data as raw material, and integrating digital fabrication technologies in craft practices.