The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has announced the names of the 2013 ACM Fellows, an honor bestowed upon inidividuals who have achieved significant advances in computing research and development.

The contributions of the 50 members named as 2013 Fellows span multiple disciplines within the field of computing. They hail from the world’s leading universities, corporations and research labs.

ACM President Vinton G. Cerf celebrated the impact of innovations achieved by this year’s ACM Fellows.

“We recognize these scientists and engineers, creators and builders, theorists and practitioners who are making a difference in our lives,” he said. “They’re enabling us to listen, learn, calculate, and communicate in ways that underscore the benefits of the digital age. Their advances have led to opportunities for improved healthcare, enhanced security, expanded interactions, and enriched lifestyles. Some recipients have also led efforts to extend computing across continents and countries including Brazil, China, and Germany.”


ACM will formally recognize the 2013 Fellows at its annual Awards Banquet on June 21, 2014, in San Francisco. Additional information about the ACM 2013 Fellows, as well as previous ACM Fellows and award winners is available on the ACM Awards site.

2013 Fellows

David J. Kasik, Boeing: For contributions to computer graphics, user interface software, and visual analytics

Mark S. Ackerman, University of Michigan: For contributions to human computer interaction, with emphasis on finding and sharing expertise

Zhengyou Zhang, Microsoft Research: For contributions to computer vision and multimedia

Douglas S. Lea, State University of New York, Oswego: For contributions to software, particularly in support of concurrency

Charu C. Aggarwal, IBM Research: For contributions to knowledge discovery and data mining algorithms

Yoelle Maarek, Yahoo!: For contributions to industrial leadership and to information retrieval and Web search

James H. Anderson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: For contributions to the implementation and analysis of multiprocessor and multicore real-time systems

Christopher D. Manning, Stanford University: For contributions to natural language processing research and education

Mihir Bellare, University of California, San Diego: For contributions to provable security methods supporting high-quality, cost-effective cryptography

Madhav V. Marathe, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute and Virginia Polytechnic Institute: For contributions to high performance computing algorithms and software environments for simulating and analyzing socio-technical systems

Christine L. Borgman, University of California, Los Angeles: For contributions to research on human interaction with information systems, data practices, and information policy

John M. Mellor-Crummey, Rice University: For contributions to parallel and high performance computing

Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano: For contributions to database management, including distributed databases, rule-processing, and search computing

Greg Morrisett, Harvard University: For contributions to mathematically-based methods for ensuring the efficient implementation and verification of practical programming languages

Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Duke University: For contributions to optimization methods for system-on-chip test automation, microfluidic biochips, and sensor network infrastructure

Andrew C. Myers, Cornell University: For contributions to languages and systems that use information flow for implementing secure computing systems

Ramalingam Chellappa, University of Maryland: For contributions to image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition

Dana Nau, University of Maryland: For contributions to automated search and planning

Ingemar Cox, University of Copenhagen/University College London: For contributions to computer vision, image retrieval, and digital watermarking

Satish Rao, University of California, Berkeley: For contributions to algorithms for graph partitioning and for single- and multi-commodity flows

Carlos J. P. De Lucena, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro: For contributions in software engineering and multiagent systems, and for computer science leadership in Brazil

S.E. Robertson, University College London: For contributions to the theory and practice of information retrieval

Rina Dechter, University of California, Irvine: For contributions to the algorithmic foundations of automated reasoning with constraint-based and probabilistic information

Timothy Roscoe, ETH Zurich: For contributions to operating systems and networking research

Chip Elliott, Raytheon BBN Technologies: For scientific contributions enabling quantum communications, advanced tactical networks, and programming literacy

Timoleon K. Sellis, RMIT University (Australia): For contributions to database query optimization, spatial data management, and data warehousing

David Forsyth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: For contributions to computer vision

Dennis E. Shasha, Courant Institute, New York University: For technical and literary contributions over a broad range of data management topics

Wen Gao, Peking University: For contributions to video technology, and for leadership to advance computing in China

Nir N. Shavit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: For contributions to the theory and practice of synchronization in concurrent programming

David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University: For contributions to the development of software architecture as a discipline in software engineering

Kyuseok Shim, Seoul National University: For contributions to scalable data mining and query processing

James Gosling, Liquid Robotics: For Java, NeWS, Emacs, NetBeans, and other contributions to programming languages, tools, and environments

Padhraic Smyth, University of California, Irvine: For contributions to probabilistic and statistical approaches to data mining and machine learning

Peter Haas, IBM Research – Almaden: For leadership in probabilistic methods for the management and analysis of data and for system simulation

Milind Tambe, University of Southern California: For contributions to theory and practice of multi-agent systems, teamwork and security games

Marti Hearst, University of California, Berkeley: For contributions to information retrieval and computational linguistics

Val Tannen, University of Pennsylvania: For contributions to query languages, query optimization and data provenance

Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen University (Germany Aachen University of Technology): For contributions to conceptual modeling, requirements engineering, metadata management, and computer science leadership in Germany

David P. Williamson, Cornell University: For contributions to the design and analysis of approximation algorithms

Sampath K. Kannan, University of Pennsylvania: For contributions to algorithmic approaches to program reliability, bioinformatics, and for service to the computer science research community

Limsoon Wong, National University of Singapore: For contributions to database theory and computational biology

Moti Yung, Google Inc: For contributions to cryptography and its use in security and privacy of systems

Dina Katabi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: For contributions in cross-layer wireless networking, wireless network coding, and Internet congestion control

Ellen Zegura, Georgia Institute of Technology: For contributions to communication and computation in intermittingly-connected networks

Henry A. Kautz, University of Rochester: For contributions to artificial intelligence and pervasive computing with applications to assistive technology and health

Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University: For contributions to the science of information and social networks

Yuanyuan Zhou, University of California, San Diego: For contributions to software reliability and quality

Panganamala Kumar, Texas A&M University: For contributions to wireless communication and control technologies

David Zuckerman, University of Texas at Austin: For contributions to randomness extraction, pseudorandomness, and their role in complexity theory

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenges.

The ACM Fellows Program, initiated in 1993, celebrates the exceptional contributions of the leading members in the computing field. These individuals have helped to enlighten researchers, developers, practitioners and end users of information technology throughout the world. The new ACM Fellows join a distinguished list of colleagues to whom ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership in computing and information technology.