Friday, 18 December | 12:45 PM - 3:00 PM | Room 501
Session Chair
Bing-Yu Chen

An Esthetics Rule-Based Ranking System for Amateur Photos
This esthetics rule-based ranking system for amateur photos is based on the experiences of photographers around the world.
Che-Hua Yeh Wai-Seng Ng National Taiwan University Brian A. Barsky University of California, Berkeley Ming Ouhyoung National Taiwan University

Tuvalu Visualization Project
The purpose of this artistic visualization project on Google Earth is to disclose information about Tuvalu. It has two components: Build the Future with 10,000 Tuvaluans and Tuvalu Mapping.
Makiko SUZUKI Yuichi Watanabe Hidenori Watanave Laboratory, Tokyo Metropolitan University Shuichi Endo NPO Tuvalu Overview Hidewnori Watanave Hidenori Watanave Laboratory, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Development of an RFID Textile for Location-Aware Systems
Many interactive user interfaces require the user's location. This RFID textile, which can be commercially woven, provides easy installation of location sensing.
Ryoko Ueoka The University of Tokyo Atsuji Masuda Tetsuhiko Murakami Industry Technology Center of Fukui Prefecture Michitaka Hirose The University of Tokyo

A Robust and Dynamic Scene Geometry Acquisition Technique for a Mobile Projector-Camera System
A new structured light-pattern-generation technique for a mobile projector-camera system that allows acquisition of scene geometry from an image with relatively high acquisition density.
Vinh Ninh Dao Masanori Sugimoto The University of Tokyo

Automatic Generation of 3D Building Models With Various Shapes of Roofs
A GIS- and CG-integrated system that automatically generates 3D building models, including a temple roof and a pagoda roof, based on building contours on digital maps.
Kenichi Sugihara Gifu Keizai University