Production Session 3: Characters
Saturday, 19 December | 7:30 AM - 9:15 AM | Level 5 - Auditorium
Session Chair
J.P. Lewis

Practical Experiences with Pose-Space Deformation
Pose-space deformation (PSD) is a shape-interpolation technique for animation. This sketch presents some practical experience with PSD acquired while creating the film "Bolt".
Gene Lee Frank Hanner Walt Disney Animation Studios

Crowd Simulation in "Astroboy"
A behind-the-scenes exploration of crowd-simulation production in "Astroboy".
Edric Tse Justin Lo Imagi Animation Studios

Fetching Expressions: Throwing Realism to the Dogs in "Up"
Examining how caricatured design combined with an understanding of physiology created comedic yet believable expressions for Gamma the English bulldog.
Sonoko Konishi Pixar Animation Studios

Preventing Tangled Cloth
Geometric pinching can result in cloth simulation results that are a tangle of cloth. This technique eliminates pinching problems prior to cloth simulation.
David Tonnesen Sande Sorcedos Sony Pictures Imageworks