Art & Sensory Interactions
Thursday, 17 December | 5:30 AM - 7:15 AM | Room 501
Session Chair
Shigeru Owada

PHOROL: Interactive Wall Clock Art of Online Shared Snapshots
PHOROL is a networked interactive wall clock that creates original artwork from digital snapshots shared on Flickr. Each hour displays another event from the user's memories.
Daisuke Uriu Keio University Graduate School of Media Design

In Cheers! , spot music plays continuously and changes subtly as the social state varies. Musical fluctuations may unconsciously affect the participants and their interactions.
Yi-Heng Lee Yuan Ze University Chao-Ming Wang National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

furimifurazumi: A Lighting Device for Sensuous Media of Rainy Scenes
furimifurazumi is a lighting device that selects meteorological information. Through lighting and sound, the user intuitively assumes and feels a rainy scene.
Keio Media Design Yasuhito Tsukahara Keio University Graduate School of Media Design

Formal Mutations: Pursuing Unintended Consequences
The Formal Mutations series explores emergent tectonic behaviors of art and design forms through biological analogies of morphological transformations.
Andrzej Zarzycki New Jersey Institute of Technology