Haptic, Gestural, Hybrid Interfaces
Thursday, 17 December | 12:45 PM - 2:30 PM | Room 501
Session Chair
Marie-Paule Cani

Virtual Haptic Radar
A wearable device that helps actors become aware of the presence of invisible virtual objects evolving in a virtual studio.
Alexis Zerroug Alvaro Cassinelli Masatoshi Ishikawa Ishikawa Komuro Laboratory, The University of Tokyo

FlexTorque: Innovative Haptic Interface for Realistic Physical Interaction in Virtual Reality
A novel haptic interface, FlexTorque, that reproduces human muscle structure to enable realistic physical interaction with objects in virtual environments. Related Emerging Technologies Project
Dzmitry Tsetserukou Katsunari Sato Alena Neviarouskaya Naoki Kawakami The University of Tokyo Susumu Tachi Keio University

SixthSense: A Wearable Gestural Interface
SixthSense visually augments surfaces, walls, and physical objects with relevant, just-in-time information and allows interaction with the information via natural hand gestures. Related Emerging Technologies Project
Pranav Mistry Pattie Maes MIT Media Lab

Hybrid Cursor Control for Precise and Fast Positioning Without Clutching
A novel cursor positioning technique for absolute devices that enables fast and precise cursor handling without making use of a clutching mechanism.
Markus Schlattmann Reinhard Klein Universität Bonn