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Technical Papers Preview Video


Thursday, 17 December | 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM | Room 303/304

Session Chair

Bing-Yu Chen

TOG article 115

Patch-Based Image Vectorization with Automatic Curvilinear Feature Alignment

Introducing an effective vector-based representation and its associated vectorization algorithm for full-color raster images. The algorithm automatically performs curvilinear feature alignment to faithfully reconstruct input images.

Tian Xia 
Binbin Liao
Yizhou Yu 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
TOG article 116

A GPU Laplacian Solver for Diffusion Curves and Poisson Image Editing

A new minimal surface Poisson solver for diffusion curve rendering and seamless cloning.

Stefan Jeschke 
David Cline 
Peter Wonka 
Arizona State University
TOG article 117

Rendering Surface Details With Diffusion Curves

Diffusion curves rendered on objects just like textures with sharp details.

Stefan Jeschke 
David Cline 
Peter Wonka 
Arizona State University
TOG article 118

Efficient Affinity-Based Edit Propagation Using KD-Tree

An efficient approximation for edit propagation using KD-Tree, which reduces memory and time by hundreds of times while preserving visual fidelity even on large images and long videos.

Kun Xu 
Yong Li 
Tsinghua University

Tao Ju 
Washington University in St. Louis

Shi-Min Hu 
Tian-Qiang Liu 
Tsinghua University