フルカンファレンス 1日券
シーグラフアジア 2009のテクニカルペーパープログラムは、コンピュータグラフィックス、およびインタラクティブ技術分野の最新の研究成果を発表する国際フォーラムです。
下記の論文は、2009年12月版の”ACM Transactions on Graphics”雑誌上で公開され、12月2日には、ACM Digital Libraryオンライン版も閲覧可能となります。以下にリストされている記事番号を参照されますと、これら論文のテキストや、追加マテリアルを雑誌、オンライン版の中で簡単に探すことができます。
Lighting & Materials
Friday, 18 December | 5:30 AM - 7:15 AM | Room 303/304
Session Chair
Karol Myzskowski
TOG article 128
Printing Spatially Varying Reflectance
Using inks and foils to print documents with a variety of material properties. This method solves the gamut-mapping and halftoning problems required to approximate svBRDFS with combinations of inks.
Wojciech Matusik Adobe Systems Incorporated Boris Ajdin Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Adobe Systems Incorporated Jinwei Gu Columbia University, Adobe Systems Incorporated Jason Lawrence University of Virginia Hendrik P. A. Lensch Ulm University Fabio Pellacini Dartmouth College, Adobe Systems Incorporated Szymon Rusinkiewicz Princeton University, Adobe Systems Incorporated
TOG article 129
Interactive Reflection Editing
A system that transforms physically correct reflections into art-directed reflection, using intuitive editing operations that work directly on the reflecting surfaces in real time.
Tobias Ritschel Makoto Okabe Thorsten Thormählen Hans-Peter Seidel Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
TOG article 130
User-Assisted Intrinsic Images
An interactive approach separates reflectance and illumination in a photograph. At its core is a propagation model based on reflectance distribution assumptions. This enables manipulations including relighting and retexturing.
Adrien Bousseau ARTIS - INRIA Grenoble University Sylvain Paris Adobe Systems Incorporated Frédo Durand MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
TOG article 131
Webcam Clip Art: Appearance and Illuminant Transfer From Time-lapse Sequences
A data-driven approach for using a library of calibrated outdoor webcams as "webcam clip art'' to inject varied, realistic appearance into the user's own scenes.
Jean-Francois Lalonde Alexei A. Efros Srinivasa Narasimhan Carnegie Mellon University