シーグラフアジア 2009のテクニカルペーパープログラムは、コンピュータグラフィックス、およびインタラクティブ技術分野の最新の研究成果を発表する国際フォーラムです。
下記の論文は、2009年12月版の”ACM Transactions on Graphics”雑誌上で公開され、12月2日には、ACM Digital Libraryオンライン版も閲覧可能となります。以下にリストされている記事番号を参照されますと、これら論文のテキストや、追加マテリアルを雑誌、オンライン版の中で簡単に探すことができます。
Shape Analysis
Friday, 18 December | 7:30 AM - 9:15 AM | Room 303/304
Session Chair
Olga Sorkine

TOG article 136
Relief Analysis and Extraction
Extracting relief and details from surfaces by separating them into a base function and a height function. This approach estimates the height function without explicitly extracting the base surface.
Rony Zatzarinni Ayellet Tal Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Arik Shamir Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

TOG article 137
Abstraction of Man-Made Shapes
A novel algorithm for generating abstractions of 3D geometric models, specifically man-made objects, using a network of curves and associated normals, while suppressing details and irregularities.
Ravish Mehra Qingnan Zhou The University of British Columbia Jeremy Long University of Victoria Alla Sheffer The University of British Columbia Amy Gooch University of Victoria Niloy J. Mitra IIT Delhi / KAUST

TOG article 138
Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes
Introducing algorithms for extraction and utilization of partial intrinsic reflectional symmetries of a 3D shape for shape analysis.
Kai Xu Simon Fraser University, National University of Defense Technology Hao Zhang Andrea Tagliasacchi Simon Fraser University Ligang Liu Guo Li Min Meng Zhejiang University Yueshan Xiong National University of Defense Technology

TOG article 139
Packing Circles and Spheres on Surfaces
Triangle meshes whose faces form a packing are a rich source of geometric structures relevant to freeform architecture, like circle patterns, ornamental patterns of planar panels, and optimized subconstructions.
Alexander Schiftner Evolute GmbH, Technische Universität Wien Mathias Höbinger Technische Universität Wien Johannes Wallner Technische Universität Graz Helmut Pottmann King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Technische Universität Wien