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シーグラフアジア 2009のテクニカルペーパープログラムは、コンピュータグラフィックス、およびインタラクティブ技術分野の最新の研究成果を発表する国際フォーラムです。


下記の論文は、2009年12月版の”ACM Transactions on Graphics”雑誌上で公開され、12月2日には、ACM Digital Libraryオンライン版も閲覧可能となります。以下にリストされている記事番号を参照されますと、これら論文のテキストや、追加マテリアルを雑誌、オンライン版の中で簡単に探すことができます。


Reconstruction & Modeling

Saturday, 19 December | 12:45 PM - 2:30 PM | Room 303/304

Session Chair

Hugues Hoppe

TOG article 173

Out-of-Core Multigrid Solver for Streaming Meshes

An out-of-core approach to detail-preserving mesh deformation. This novel streaming multigrid solves the Poisson equation defined over out-of-core streaming meshes with irregular connectivity.

Xiaohan Shi 
Hujun Bao
Kun Zhou 
Zhejiang University
TOG article 174

Dynamic Shape Capture Using Multi-View Photometric Stereo

In this method for high-resolution capture of moving (60 fps) 3D geometry using active shape-from-shading with hemispherical illumination, normal maps are integrated and matched to enforce consistency between the resulting surfaces.

Daniel Vlasic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pieter Peers
University of Southern California

Ilya Baran 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Paul Debevec
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies

Jovan Popović
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Adobe Systems Incorporated, University of Washington

Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Princeton University

Wojciech Matusik 
Adobe Systems Incorporated
TOG article 175

Robust Single-View Geometry and Motion Reconstruction

This novel geometry and motion-reconstruction framework uses a two-scale approach based on template tracking and detail synthesis to recreate complex deforming surfaces from a single-view scan sequence.

Hao Li 
ETH Zürich

Bart Adams
Stanford University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Leonidas J. Guibas
Stanford University

Mark Pauly
ETH Zürich
TOG article 176

Consolidation of Unorganized Point Clouds for Surface Reconstruction

An algorithm that consolidates an unorganized point cloud with noise, outliers, non-uniformities, and in particular interference between adjacent surface sheets as a preprocess to surface generation.

Hui Huang 
Dan Li 
The University of British Columbia

Hao Zhang 
Simon Fraser University

Uri Ascher
The University of British Columbia

Daniel Cohen-Or
Tel-Aviv University