WallBreakers Community Provides Conversations with Technologists

Hi WallBreakers community,

We have two conversations with technologists and industry leaders coming up for you this week.

On Wednesday, April 1st at 6pm Mountain Time, which is 5pm Pacific, and 8pm Eastern, join guest speakers Laura Romero and Nowai Matthew for office hours.

On Thursday, April 2nd at 3pm Mountain Time, which is 2pm Pacific, and 5pm Eastern, join Andrea Guendelman and guest speaker Jumoke Dada for an AMA.

Link to participate for both conversations: https://zoom.us/j/458668314

Wednesday, April 1st AMA

Laura and Nowai will be available for conversation, questions, and discussion on April 1st at 6pm Mountain Time, which is 5pm Pacific, and 8pm Eastern. Link to participate: https://zoom.us/j/458668314

 Nowai Matthew is a Purdue University graduate who majored in computer graphics technology, minored in electronic time-based art and earned a concentration in web development. Her education also included studies in computer graphics at the University of Darmstadt in Germany. Nowai’s areas of expertise include software development, e-commerce, and technical leadership. She is the former Director of Women Who Code for the Denver/Boulder area. In that role, she organized JavaScript study groups and worked to reach out to women and encourage them to learn coding languages. Nowai is currently an Engineering Manager at Bonusly.

Laura Romero is a recent Northeastern university graduate currently working as a Software Engineer at Affirm. Laura earned a Bachelor’s degree in computer science and cognitive psychology and was involved with both the Latin American Student Organization and NU Women in Technology during her academic career. She has also volunteered in the poverty alleviation and volunteer coordination spaces and worked on research in the areas of software engineering, HCI, UI/UX, and linguistics.             

Thursday, April 2nd AMA

Andrea Guendelman and guest speaker Jumoke Dada will be providing advice regarding entrepreneurship and answering questions on April 2nd at 3pm Mountain Time, which is 2pm Pacific, and 5pm Eastern.

Link to participate: https://zoom.us/j/458668314

Jumoke Dada is a visionary and techie who is passionate about educating and empowering women in tech. With over 15 years of experience working in corporate I.T., as the owner of Signature RED she provides technology consulting services to companies and creates tools for women in tech. Two of her creations include the Tech Women Network – an online platform for women with technical skills – and the HUE Tech Summit for women of color. She is also an international public speaker and tech contributor for ForbesWomen. To learn more visit dadaverse.org or follow her @jumokedada on Twitter.

Andrea Guendelman is a tech entrepreneur, advocate for equality, and thought leader on Latinx career building with a long track record of supporting and creating pathways for individuals underrepresented in technology. Andrea has worked to help to change the status quo with her consultancy for elite universities and her involvement in BeVisible, a community and social media career platform for Latinx individuals. Her latest effort in the diversity advocacy space is with WallBreakers, a training and employment development program for those who are underrepresented in tech.            

Copyright © 2020 wallbreakers, All rights reserved.

List of Resources to Help the SIGGRAPH Production and Artist Communities

This page is a list of resources that we have assembled to help our production and artist communities find support and resources as we all work through these terribly challenging times.   We apologize in advance for the lack of geographic diversity listed here.  We plan to update this list on a regular basis so if locate reliable and useful resources that are of interest to our global community, if you can share them with us at dir-communications@siggraph.org we will seek to add them to this page.

Grow your skillset:

Financial Help:

Resources for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Freelancers

Reel and Portfolio Hosting

Get your portfolio/demo-reel on-line (and don’t forget to connect it to your Linked-in site)

Mental Health Help

Additional Sites of Interest

(We are not endorsing nor able to guarantee the quality of the information on these sites so please approach with some discretion):

Call for Nominations for ACM SIGGRAPH Early Career Development Chair

The Early Development Chair will organize the student services and early career committee plans, develops, and facilitates activities that bring additional year round value to the student members, and emerging professionals of ACM SIGGRAPH through integration with the SIGGRAPH community and career development year round. Activities include managing the mentoring program, XSV, and facilitating portfolio/reel/statement reviews. The committee will provide best practices for advising and supporting SIGGRAPH community members in the early stages of their careers.

The SIGGRAPH Executive Committee has set as one of its primary goals the support of our members throughout their careers through mentoring, lifelong learning, and professional development both in the research and practitioner areas. Since these tasks are interconnected, the different committees should work together and with the conferences to achieve their goals. For example, the Early Career Development Committee should work with the Lifelong Learning Committee and Professional Development Committee to ensure that materials appropriate for people early in their careers are developed.

The Chair must put in a budget request to the EC every January and submit an annual report in June. The Chair can expect to spend 5-10 hours/week on the committee activities. 

For those interested in applying for this position, please contact Rebecca Strzelec. Provide a CV and vision statement (why you’re interested in being chair and what you hope to accomplish in that role). The Nominations Committee will review all the candidates and make recommendations to the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by March 1 will receive full consideration.

We intend to fill the position by June 1 to allow an orderly transition. The position will begin September 1 and run for a three year term with the possibility of renewal for an additional three years.

Call for Nominations for ACM SIGGRAPH Practitioner Career Development Chair

The new Practitioner Career Development Chair will organize a committee that plans, develops, and facilitates activities that support the career development of practitioners working in industry and academia. The focus will be on how these activities relate to areas of professional interest to the SIGGRAPH community (SIGGRAPH areas). The Committee will create and manage a mentoring program and provide guidance on promotions, hiring, project management and leadership, business development and entrepreneurship, moving into management and career changes, again focusing on how these relate to SIGGRAPH areas. The Committee will facilitate networking, i.e.,  connecting practitioners doing related work.

The SIGGRAPH Executive Committee has set as one of its primary goals the support of our members throughout their careers through mentoring, lifelong learning, and professional development both in the research and practitioner areas. Since these tasks are interconnected, the different committees should work together and with the conferences to achieve their goals. For example, the Practitioner Career Development Committee should work with the Lifelong Learning Committee to ensure that materials appropriate for practitioners are developed.

The Chair must put in a budget request to the EC every January and submit an annual report in June. The Chair can expect to spend 5-10 hours/week on the chair activities. 

Those interested in applying for this position please contact Rebecca Strzelec. Provide a CV and vision statement (why you’re interested in being chair and what you hope to accomplish in that role). The Nominations Committee will review all the candidates and make recommendations to the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by March 1 will receive full consideration.

We hope to fill the position by June 1 to allow for an early ramp-up. The position will begin September 1 and run for a three year term with the possibility of renewal for an additional three years.

Call for Nominations for ACM SIGGRAPH Research Career Development Chair

The new Research Career Development Chair will organize a committee that plans, develops, and facilitates activities that support the career development of members with research careers in academia and industry. The Committee will create and manage a mentoring program, provide guidance on tenure and promotions, career changes, funding, research management, and leadership of large projects and large teams. It will provide best practices for advising and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students and interns.

The SIGGRAPH Executive Committee has set as one of its primary goals the support of our members throughout their careers through mentoring, lifelong learning, and professional development both in the research and practitioner areas. Since these tasks are interconnected, the different committees should work together and with the conferences to achieve their goals. For example, the Practitioner Career Development Committee should work with the Lifelong Learning Committee to ensure that materials appropriate for practitioners are developed.

The Chair must put in a budget request to the EC every January and submit an annual report in June. The Chair can expect to spend 5-10 hours/week on the chair activities. 

For those interested in applying for this position, please contact Rebecca Strzelec. Provide a CV and vision statement (why you’re interested in being chair and what you hope to accomplish in that role). The Nominations Committee will review all the candidates and make recommendations to the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by March 1 will receive full consideration.

We hope to fill the position by June 1 to allow for an early ramp-up. The position will begin September 1 and run for a three year term with the possibility of renewal for an additional three years.