Call for Nominations for ACM SIGGRAPH Professional Development Chair

The new Professional Development Chair will organize a committee that plans and develops content that assists our members with necessary job skills such as speaking, writing, interviewing (both as the interviewer and as the job candidate), managing, and leading people. The Chair will work closely with the Early Career, Research Career, and Practitioner Career Committees to identify needed content. 

The SIGGRAPH Executive Committee has set as one of its primary goals the support of our members throughout their careers through mentoring, lifelong learning, and professional development both in the research and practitioner areas. Since these tasks are interconnected, the different committees should work together and with the conferences to achieve their goals. For example, the Practitioner Career Development Committee should work with the Professional Development Committee to ensure that materials appropriate for practitioners are developed.

The Chair must put in a budget request to the EC every January and submit an annual report in June. The Chair can expect to spend 5-10 hours/week on the chair activities. 

For those interested in applying for this position please, contact Rebecca Strzelec. Provide a CV and vision statement (why you’re interested in being chair and what you hope to accomplish in that role). The Nominations Committee will review all the candidates and make recommendations to the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by March 1 will receive full consideration.

We hope to fill the position by June 1 to allow for an early ramp-up. The position will begin September 1 and run for a three year term with the possibility of renewal for an additional three years.

Call for Nominations for ACM SIGGRAPH Specialized Conferences Chair

The SCC approves and monitors specialized conferences to ensure that they are financially and intellectually healthy and aligned with the mission and strategic goals of ACM SIGGRAPH. Further, it promotes awareness of the specialized events and the resulting archival content to the broader community while striving to better integrate these conferences with other ACM SIGGRAPH venues. Together with the External Relations Committee, the SCC works to strengthen existing ties and identify new conferences, emerging themes or potential relationships with other venues and organizations to broaden the scope and expand the reach of ACM SIGGRAPH. The role of the SCC chair is to manage a small committee of seasoned volunteer conference organizers and coordinate with the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee to nurture specialized events, maintaining and improving the services ACM SIGGRAPH tends to its community. 

ACM SIGGRAPH sponsors, co-sponsors, or offers in cooperation support to over twenty specialized conferences per year. The approval process for these conferences is managed by the Specialized Conferences Committee (SCC). As part of that process, the SCC verifies that the proposed budget and registration numbers are reasonable and defensible given the proposed location and the historical data from previous events. 

A sponsored specialized conference is one for which SIGGRAPH bears 100% of the financial responsibility. For co-sponsored conferences, SIGGRAPH shares that responsibility with another entity, e.g. a different ACM SIG or an external organization such as Eurographics. While SIGGRAPH incurs no financial responsibility for in-cooperation conferences, SCC still vets the specialized conference on both economic and scientifical soundness. 

The Chair must put in a budget request to the EC every January and submit an annual report in June. The Chair can expect to spend 5-10 hours/week on the committee activities. 

For those interested in applying for this position, please contact Rebecca Strzelec. Provide a CV and vision statement (why you’re interested in being chair and what you hope to accomplish in that role).  The Nominations Committee will review all the candidates and make recommendations to the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by March 1 will receive full consideration.

We intend to fill the position by June 1 to allow an orderly transition. The position will begin September 1 and run for a three-year term with the possibility of renewal for an additional three years.

Strut Your Student Status – SIGGRAPH 2020 Conference Student Volunteer Applications due Feb 11!

Create incredible memories while networking and immersing yourself in the computer graphics community as a Student Volunteer! This unique experience includes complimentary registration, exclusive perks, and the opportunity to meet passionate, hard-working students like yourself from across the world. Start planning now, as applications are due Tuesday, 11 February at 22:00 UTC.  

Apply here!

SIGGRAPH 2020 Submissions – Deadlines approaching!

Now’s your time to shine! Submit your inspiring and groundbreaking work to SIGGRAPH 2020. Deadlines are approaching for several of our programs with Appy Hour, Courses, Educator’s Forum, Emerging Technologies, Immersive Pavilion, Panels, Production Sessions, SIGGRAPH Labs (formerly Studio), and Talks submissions all closing on Tuesday, 11 February at 22:00 UTC.

Don’t miss out — share your work today! 

Submit your work here!

ACM SIGGRAPH already in compliance with proposed OSTP Rules removing embargo on federally funded research

Some of our members, attendees, and exhibitors have expressed concern about ACM’s signing of this letter to the U.S. White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as a response to a new directive that OSTP is preparing to issue. That directive would eliminate the current 12-month embargo period for providing open access to U.S. federally funded research publications.

ACM has expanded on their position here.

ACM SIGGRAPH participates in the ACM Open TOC program which means that all content from our sponsored conferences (SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, and a dozen specialized conferences) is freely available starting two weeks before the conference and continuing in perpetuity from this site.

By participating in this program, ACM SIGGRAPH is already following the proposed guidelines from OSTP and has been since 2015.  We have no plans to change this open access for future conferences.