Call for Participation: RDINIDR 2018 in Athens, Greece

4th International Conference on Research and Development in Imaging, Nanotechnology, Industrial Design and Robotics ( RDINIDR 2018 )
Athens – Greece
October 8 – 10, 2018

RDINIDR 2018 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, workshops, doctoral consortium, demo session, research-in-progress, poster presentations, etc.

The works must be submitted following the instructions found on the submission of papers section. All accepted works will be published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed book form, CD/DVD and magazine) by international and prestigious publishing houses in America and Europe:

Post-conference publishing Handbook of Research. IGI Global – Hershey, Pennsylvania – USA (Publications have been indexed in a number of prestigious indices such as Thomson Reuters, DBLP, ACM Digital Library, ERIC, and the Australian Education Index).

The contributions are will be submitted for indexation by EI Compendex, Thomson Reuters, Scopus, IET Inspec and

Very Important: The authors can present more than one paper/demo/poster, etc. with only one registration (maximum 3 contributions) with only one registration (i.e. papers = 18 pages each one of them). More information:

All contributions -papers, workshops, demos, doctoral consortium, etc., should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. Our main goal is to create a real space for the constructive debate and interchange of theoretical ideas, practical aspects, experiment results, conclusions, learned lessons and very specially the future lines of research. The great areas are imaging, nanotechnology, industrial design, R&D, robotics, hardware and computing engineering. which will be presented next, and broken down in accordance to the division of the topics. Finally, the current listing (alphabetical order) doesn’t mean that other issues of general or particular interest are excluded currently, or in coming editions of the event. In other words, the authors are free to present other topics which may enrich the content of the conference. More information:

An extensive listing connotes and reflects the requirement and also skill necessary to find intersection zones of the disciplines among the different domains, fields, and specialities; which at the same time potentially boosts and merges the formerly different scientific views.

All submitted papers, demos, posters, etc., will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the international conference. Authors of accepted contributions who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their works.


  • Works Submissions: Open. Consequently, as they are received, they will be evaluated. It is a way to speed up the process to make up the final program of the Conference. In other words, it is not necessary to wait until the deadline to send them for the evaluation.
    • Papers Submissions: July, 31th – local time in Hawaiian Islands 
    • Authors Notification: Two/Three weeks after the submission/s 
    • Camera-ready, full papers: September, 30th 
  • The authors can present more than one work with only one registration (maximum 3 contributions). More information:
  •  Keynote speakers and relators with human and professional – super 'High Quality'
  •  Certificate of participation and conference proceedings. 
  • Participation for the selection of the best paper and research awards.
  • Discounts in official hotels. 
  • Free excursions in Greece.

This conference is organized by: AInCI :: International Association of Interactive Communication ::, and ALAIPO :: Latin Association of Human-Computer Interaction ::

ACM SIGGRAPH Announces Slate of Candidates

ACM SIGGRAPH Announces Slate of Candidates

The ACM SIGGRAPH has announced the slate of Executive Committee candidates for the 2018 election.  Below are the candidates for the positions of Treasurer and the two Director at Large positions.  Voting will begin in June, with the new Members taking office in September.


  • Brad Lawrence
  • David Spoelstra

Director At Large (Two positions)

  • Evan Hirsch
  • Mashhuda Glencross
  • Paul Strauss
  • Terrence Masson

ACM SIGGRAPH candidate petition dates for this election which are: 31 March 2018 (intent to petition) and 16 April 2018 (petition submission deadline).

Anyone interested in petitioning must inform ACM Headquarters, Pat Ryan and the ACM SIGGRAPH President, Jessica Hodgins of their intent to petition by the date specified above.

ACM SIGGRAPH is managed by a nine-person Executive Committee (EC): three officers (President, Vice President, and Treasurer) and six Directors at Large. Members of the EC are elected by the ACM SIGGRAPH membership and serve three-year terms. Elections are conducted annually to fill open positions; this process is led by the chair of the Nominations Committee. All officers and directors are required to be members of ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH.

Nominations for the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee may be submitted in July of the year prior to the beginning of the position term. To submit a nomination, contact the ACM SIGGRAPH Nominations Committee Chair.

For more information, visit the ACM SIGGRAPH elections page of our website.


Congratulations to the New Class of ACM Fellows!

Congratulations to the New Class of ACM Fellows!

Three ACM SIGGRAPH members were recently named to the 2017 class of ACM Fellows and will be honored at the annual awards banquet June 23 in San Francisco. ACM fellows represent less than one percent of the organization’s overall membership of talented and inventive researchers and academicians in the wide-ranging computer science field. To be elected an ACM fellow is a testament to that individual’s hard work and pioneering contributions in computing.

This year, SIGGRAPH members Michael Kass, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Steve Seitz join the new class of ACM fellows, 54 members in total, recognized for their seminal and innovative work in computer optimization and simulation (Kass); computer graphics rendering and advances in physics-based computer vision (Ramamoorthi); and computer vision and computer graphics (Seitz).

Call for Participation: HCITISI 2018 in Córdoba, Argentina

7th Argentine Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Telecommunications, Informatics and Scientific Information (HCITISI 2018),
Córdoba, Argentina
November 8 – 10, 2018

HCITISI 2018 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, demo session, courses and poster presentations.

Papers must be submitted following the instructions found on the submissionof papers section. All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed book form and/or CD) by an international and publishing house: Blue Herons Editions ( Outstanding papers will be invited for publication as chapter in a special book (IGI Global – USA), for example.

All contributions should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance, impact and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. In the current conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects Human-Computer Interaction, Telecommunications, Informatics and Scientific Information and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to:

Human-Computer Interaction

  • Communicability and usability engineering
  • Computational folkloristics
  • Computer animation for mixed reality
  • e-Communities management
  • Emerging and innovative technologies and services for local and international users
  • Human-computer communication
  • Information visualization
  • Interactive information literacy for learning
  • Novel interfaces and cooperative design methods
  • Pervasive computing
  • Quality metrics and evaluation
  • Robotics and machine vision
  • User-centered design
  • Virtual communities for users with special needs


  • 4G wireless networks and systems
  • Future Internet and next-generation networking architectures
  • Global wireless services
  • Mobile TV and multimedia phone
  • Mobile operating systems
  • Pervasive computing
  • Protocols and standards
  • Satellite and space communications
  • Superconductivity: research and development
  • Wireless and new generation media
  • Wireless for home, local, metropolitan and wide area network
  • Wireless modeling, algorithms and simulation
  • Wireless networking: quality of service, measurement and improvement
  • Wireless telecommunications management


  • Computer graphics, image processing and computer vision
  • Cryptography and applied mathematics
  • Data management, exploration and mining
  • e-Learning research methods and models
  • Globalization and ICT
  • Grid, crowd sourcing and cloud computing
  • Hypermedia systems
  • Software and technologies for e-Business
  • Intelligent systems
  • Bio-inspired computing
  • Languages and middleware
  • Natural language processing
  • Parallel and distributed algorithms
  • Semantics, ontologies and metadata
  • Web engineering

Scientific Information

  • Dynamic persuasor versus veracity and free scientific information
  • Ethics and aesthetics of the interactive contents online and off-line
  • Human factors in scientific journalism
  • Information society
  • Intellectual property and copyright
  • Knowledge transfer: university and industry – industry and university
  • Science journalism
  • Scientific communication public, private and hybrid
  • Scientific information for social, rural and industrial development
  • Scientific publications
  • Scientific reputation and public opinion in virtual communities
  • Social communication and concentration of media ownership
  • Social research and the interaction with formal sciences
  • Technological and scientific information through new media

All submitted works will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of
review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the conference. Authors of accepted demos who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their works.

Important Dates

Period for Submission is Open. Consequently, as they are received, they will be evaluated. It is a way to speed up the process to make up the final program of the international conference, visa requirements, should plan travel well in advance, etc. In other words, it is not necessary to wait until the deadline to send them for the evaluation process. 

Deadline Papers Submissions:

  • September, 10th – local time in Hawaiian Islands 
  • Authors Notification: Two/three weeks after the submission/s 
  • Camera-ready, full papers: October, 24th 
  • Conference: November, 8 and 10. 

Invited Session Papers, Technical Demo and Poster Session
Submission of Papers: Set by Session Chair
Notification of Acceptance: Set by Sessions Chair
Upload of Final Publication Files: October 

See special link with 9th International Conference on ADNTIIC 2018:

Conference November, 8 – 10

Free Courses for all participants.

  • Keynote Speakers and Relators = 6 (Human and Professional – super 'High Quality')
  • Discounts in official hotels. For example, at Casa Serrana, the room rate (58 u$s) includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Cultural Events = Free for all authors.

This conference is organized by ALAIPO :: Latin Association of Human-Computer Interaction (Asociacion Latina de Interaccion Persona Ordenador) ::, and AInCI :: International Association of Interactive Communication (Asociacion Internacional de la Comunicacion Interactiva) ::

Call for Participation: CCGIDIS 2018 in Madrid, Spain

8th International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems ( CCGIDIS 2018 ) 
Madrid, Spain
May 21 – 23, 2018

CCGIDIS 2017 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, workshops, doctoral consortium, demo session, research-works-in-progress and poster presentations. 

Proposals must be submitted following the instructions found on the submission of papers section. All accepted works will be published in the respective symposium proceedings (in printed book form, CD/DVD and magazine) by international and prestigious publishing houses in America and Europe: 

  • Post-conference publishing book. IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania – USA 
  • An academic CD proceedings version –not commercial (distribution in the room), with ISBN 978.88.96.471.64.7 :: DOI 10.978.8896471/647 
  • International Magazine in Europe with IEEE format guidelines 
  • The works are will be submitted for indexation by EI COMPENDEX, INSPEC, THOMSON REUTERS and DBLP.UNI-TRIE.DE 

Very Important!  The authors can present more than one works into symposium with only one registration (maximum 3 works). 

All contributions should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance, impact and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. In the current international symposium it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects 2D, 3D Modeling and Reconstruction, Advances in Software and Hardware for Audio-Visual, Archeology, CAD, Communicability, Computer Animation, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Creativity and Original Design, Education, Face and Gesture Recognition, Human-Computer Interaction, Industrial Design, Imaging, Intelligent User Interface, Interactive Systems Engineering, Internet of Things, Low-level Vision and Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Modelling, Quality Design, Rendering, Scientific Visualization, Smart City, Ubiquitous Computing, UX, Video Games, Virtual Agents, Vision for Robotics and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to:

All submitted proposals will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the international symposium. Authors of accepted works who registered in the symposium can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their works, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their contributions. 


Proposals Submissions: Open. Consequently, as they are received, they will be evaluated. It is a way to speed up the process to make up the final program of the Symposium. In other words, it is not necessary to wait until the deadline to send them for the evaluation.

  • Proposals Submissions: April, 9th, 23:59– local time in Hawaiian Islands 
  • Authors Notification: Two weeks after the submission/s 
  • Camera-ready, full papers: May, 12th
  • The authors can present more than one work with only one registration (maximum 3 contributions). More information:
  • Keynote speakers and relators with human and professional – super 'High Quality'
  • Certificate of participation and symposium proceedings. 
  • Participation for the selection of the best paper and best research awards (certificates and a vouchers).
  • Discounts in official hotels. 

The international symposium is organized by ALAIPO :: Latin Association of Human-Computer Interaction (Asociacion Latina de Interaccion Persona Ordenador) ::, and AInCI :: International Association of Interactive Communication (Asociacion Internacional de la Comunicacion Interactiva) ::