Call for Participation: SAP '18 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Call for papers and posters

The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP) aims to advance and promote research that crosses the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics, visualization, computer vision, haptics and acoustics. These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas. The scope of the conference includes applications and algorithms in any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer science.

Our fourteenth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for exchanging ideas about areas of overlapping interests. The ACM SAP 2018 conference will be held in Vancouver, BC Canada on the 10th and 11th of August 2018. We aim to further promote communication between the core perception and computer graphics communities.

We invite submissions of original work in all areas of applied perception. Relevant areas include:

  • Modeling, rendering, and animation
  • Visualization
  • Computational aesthetics
  • Haptic rendering, haptic input and perception
  • Perception of virtual characters
  • Color vision and color appearance modeling
  • Perception of high dynamic range scenes and images
  • Interaction techniques and interfaces
  • Augmented reality
  • Virtual worlds
  • Display technologies
  • Auditory display and interfaces
  • Perceptual auditory coding
  • Spatialized sound
  • Speech synthesis and recognition
  • Sensory integration
  • Multimodal rendering
  • Spatial and temporal vision
  • Attention and eye movements
  • Statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
  • Perception of shapes, surfaces, and materials


Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and up to 20 minute talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages and up to 15 minute talk), or as a poster presentation (1 page abstract). All submissions should follow the general SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines. Diagrams and images should be represented in color where appropriate. Papers that are not accepted will be considered for the poster session. Authors of posters accepted by this route will, of course, have the option to decline the opportunity to present a poster.


The posters program at SAP provides an informal venue for authors to share their research achievements and further discuss them with others. In that spirit, we encourage all types of scholarly submissions that fit the scope of ACM SAP. In particular, we explicitly welcome poster submissions on work-in-progress and on work that may have been previously published elsewhere but for which additional dissemination and discussion is desired. The poster session is an integral part of SAP and the SAP program will include a dedicated time slot for poster viewing and discussion. All poster presenters will also have the opportunity to give a one-minute presentation on their work during a poster fast-forward session. 

NOTE: SAP poster abstracts are NOT considered to be publications, and as such will NOT appear in the ACM Digital Library. Poster abstracts WILL be included in the conference USB drive. Poster abstracts should follow the general SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines, except that they should be 1 page long. .

Further details

All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program Committee. SAP follows a double blind review process. Papers will be evaluated as submitted, given limited time between submission and printing of final versions. Under an agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted papers will be offered publication as full papers in the ACM journal TAP. Authors of such special issue papers must agree to present the paper at ACM SAP. As has always been the case, authors of regular ACM SAP papers can still submit to TAP regular issues with appropriate additions. Papers that have been recommended for acceptance in the ACM TAP journal will undergo a second review cycle, during which the authors will revise the paper to address reviewer concerns (similar to conditional acceptances at ACM SIGGRAPH). Please note that TAP referrals are conditional. The TAP reviewers may recommend bringing the paper back to the SAP proceedings if the quality of the revision is inadequate. Therefore, it is very important to incorporate as many reviewer comments as possible into the revision.

The revised paper has to be submitted in TAP format to Manuscript Central and must include a cover letter stating that the submission is for the SAP special issue. The cover letter should also document the list of changes made to the paper to address the reviewer concerns. Reformatting an 8-page paper from the SAP format to the TAP format typically adds a few pages so we expect the final papers will have somewhere between 10-15 pages. TAP papers must not exceed 20 pages in length. Complete TAP author guidelines and templates are available at



  • Tuesday, April 3: Mandatory abstract submission
  • Tuesday, April 10: Paper submission deadline
  • Tuesday, May 15: Decisions announced
  • Tuesday, May 29: Final papers due


  • Tuesday, May 29: Poster submission
  • Tuesday, June 5: Decisions announced
  • Tuesday, June 12: Camera ready version of 1-page abstract due

Conference Organization

Conference Chairs

Program Chairs

Poster Chair: TBD

Call for Participation: CASA 2018 in Beijing, China

Call for Papers – CASA 2018 in Beijing, China

The 31th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2018) will be held on May 21-23, 2018 in Beijing, China.
The conference is organized by State Key Laboratory of Computer Science (SKLCS), Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
in cooperation with ACM-SIGGRAPH, under guidance of the Computer Graphics Society (CGS).

CASA was founded in 1988 in Geneva, Switzerland, and it is the oldest international conference in computer animation and social agents
in the world. In the last ten years, CASA was held in Korea (2008), Netherlands (2009), France (2010), China (2011), Singapore (2012),
Turkey (2013), United States (2014), Singapore (2015), Switzerland (2016) and Korea (2017).

We invite submissions of research full papers, short papers, and posters on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to
Computer Animation, Embodied Agents, Social Agents, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Visualization (see below for a detailed list).

For more information, please visit CASA 2018 website

28 accepted full papers will be recommended to publish in a special issue of the Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal
published by Wiley (CAVW). The short papers and posters will be published in the ACM digital library. All submissions will be
reviewed via a double-blind review process.


Full papers (10 pages)
Submission Deadline: Feb. 2, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: Mar. 2, 2018
Camera Ready: Mar. 15, 2018

Short papers (4~6 pages) and Posters (1 page)
Submission Deadline: Mar. 20, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: Apr. 1, 2018
Camera Ready: Apr. 10, 2018

Conference co-chairs
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland and NTU, Singapore
Enhua Wu, ISCAS and University of Macau, China

Program co-chairs
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland
Leonid Sigal, University of British Columbia, Canada
Wencheng Wang, ISCAS, China

Workshop chair
Hui Chen, ISCSA, China

Publicity chair
Hanqiu Sun, Chinese University of Hong Kong

SCOPE AND LIST OF TOPICS CASA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

Computer Animation

  • Motion Control
  • Motion Capture & Retargeting
  • Path Planning
  • Physics-based Animation
  • Vision-based Techniques
  • Behavioral Animation
  • Artificial Life
  • Deformation
  • Facial Animation
  • Image-based Animation
  • Multi-Scale Models
  • Knowledge-based Animation

Social Agents

  • Social Agents and Avatars
  • Emotion and Personality
  • Virtual Humans
  • Autonomous Actors
  • AI-based Animation
  • Social and Conversational Agents
  • Inter-Agent Communication
  • Social Behavior
  • Crowd Simulation
  • Machine learning

Other Related Topics

  • Animation Compression and Transmission
  • Semantics and Ontologies
  • Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
  • Acquisition and Reconstruction from Big Data
  • Cultural Heritage Applications
  • 3D Physiological Humans
  • 3D Telepresence
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
  • Social Robots
  • Deep Learning methods
Promoting Your Published Articles

Promoting Your Published Articles

One of the rights you retain as an author of material published by ACM is the ability to make a version of your material available on your own (or your employer’s or institution’s) web site. 

The ACM article template offers the ability to prepare an “author version” of an article or abstract, which includes an appropriate rights statement on the first page which points to the version of record in the ACM Digital Library.

One can also use ACM’s Author-izer service to obtain and use a link which points to the version of record in the ACM Digital Library. 

The use of the Author-izer service is beneficial in several ways: it relieves you of the burden of creating a separate “author version” of your published work, and drives traffic to the version of record in the ACM Digital Library.

More information on the Author-izer program is available at

Call for participation ISEA2018 extended to 12th January 2018

Call for participation ISEA2018 extended to 12th January 2018

Call for participation ISEA2018 extended to 12th January 2018



hybridisation & purity / emancipation & pain / spirit & flesh / in-between the cracks

  • Deadline for submission of papers, posters, panels, roundtables, artistic works, design cases, residencies, workshops, and tutorials: (12 January 2018)
  • Notification of acceptance for papers, posters, panels, roundtables, artistic works, design cases, residence, workshop, and tutorials: (01 March 2018)
  • Deadline for submission of artist talks, conversation sessions and institutional presentations: (01 March 2018)
  • Notification of acceptance for artist talks, conversation sessions and institutional presentations: (30 March, 2018)
  • Deadline for camera-ready submissions to be included in the proceedings (papers and abstracts of posters, panels, and roundtables): (01 April 2018)

ISEA2018: June 23-30, 2018 in Durban South Africa

Nominations: 2018 SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art

Nominations: 2018 SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art

Call for Nominations: 2018 SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art.

The deadline of 15 December 2016 is fast approaching. Time to submit your nominations for the award through the ACM SIGGRAPH website! Do not assume that someone else is nominating your choice for the award – so take some action now!

Visit the URL listed below and click on Artist Award Chair. Please include as much information about your nominee as possible, including web links.

Nominations not submitted through the SIGGRAPH website will not be considered.


The Distinguished Artist Award is awarded annually to an artist who has created a substantial and important body of work that significantly advances the aesthetic content in the field of digital art.

N.B not all these qualities are required


Nominations are due by 15 December 2017 and should include:

  • Name(s) of the individual(s) being nominated (address and/or phone number and/or email address are also appreciated).
  • References to websites with the artist's works and texts where applicable (multiple references are welcome).
  • Nominator's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.

A statement by the nominator describing the significance of the artist's contributions according to the following criteria (not all criteria are mandatory):

  1. The Artist has been contributing internationally to the digital arts for more than Twenty (20) years.
  2. The Artist has produced important work(s) that is (are) referenced in digital art history/theory papers/books.
  3. The Artist has established an unexplored area in the field of digital art/media art.
  4.  The Artist has been advancing the use of digital technologies in creative expression.
  5. The Artist has contributed to the history and/or theory and/or practice of digital art through writing and presentations at conferences and symposia.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

Sue Gollifer

Chair, Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art

University of Brighton, UK
School of Media
Executive Director, ISEA International HQ