Conference Chair


The annual SIGGRAPH conference and its year-round initiatives provide a unique crossroads for a diverse community of researchers, developers, creators, educators, and practitioners. Our continuing mission is to be the premier annual conference on the theory and practice of computer graphics and interactive techniques, inspiring progress through education, excellence, and interaction. SIGGRAPH delivers a hybrid conference that serves both in-person and virtual attendees.

The SIGGRAPH Conference Chair has a rare opportunity to inspire and lead a highly energized, multitalented, and deeply committed team of volunteers and professional service contractors in delivering the world’s greatest conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH Conference Chairs work in close conjunction with the Conference Event Director, Conference Advisory Group (CAG), ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee (EC), professional service contractors, and volunteer conference committee to create and implement the conference.

A Conference Chair’s role normally begins two years before their conference and continues until the January after the conference. In addition to managing the conference logistics for their year, the Conference Chairs serve in an advisory capacity to the ACM SIGGRAPH organization and other conference years surrounding as a member of the CAG.

The current conference accepting applications for Conference Chair is SIGGRAPH 2027.

Specific Responsibilities

The following list is a high-level view of the specific responsibilities associated with serving as a Conference Chair. The list is organized under general categories of responsibility.

Strategic Vision

  • Provide leadership for and participate in strategic and long-range planning for the SIGGRAPH conferences. Implement the strategic plan for the conference in partnership with the Event Director.
  • Develop the vision for and assist in enforcing the annual conference graphic identity and brand.
  • Contribute to the marketing strategy for the annual conference, including approval of the event’s comprehensive marketing plan, target audiences and core messaging.
  • Review and approve media deployments and assist in guiding communications.
  • Work with and seek to implement elements of overall CAG and EC strategic growth initiatives for the ACM/SIGGRAPH experience.

Managerial Responsibilities

  • Comfort with navigating through change and adapting to unforeseen situations that impact the conference planning cycle.
  • Responsible for recruiting 20-25 core volunteer program chairs.
  • Responsible for managing the conference committee of volunteers and contractors who lead and support the content and service areas of the event.
  • Work with the conference committee to develop technical focus, determine the vision of the conference, and help plan the on-site presentation of content.
  • Work with other Conference Chairs and the Event Director in recruiting future Conference Chairs.
  • Approve or deny requests for curated content that comes to the conference after the submission deadlines.
  • Ability to faithfully resolve and prioritize conflicting requests in a way that is in the best interest of the organization and the conference. As the ‘coach’ for the committee, display the ability to manage a team with strong leadership skills.

Fiscal Responsibilities

  • Work with the Event Director to prepare preliminary and final hybrid conference budgets.
  • Present budget in separate meetings first to the CAG for approval, and then to the EC for final approval. Adjust budget and assumptions based on direction received from these groups.
  • Ability to manage fluid budgets.
  • Work with Event Director to prepare and review financial reports for the CAG, EC, and ACM throughout conference planning cycle.
  • Authorize volunteer travel and operating expenses.
  • Work closely with the Event Director to negotiate and approve single-year contracts.
  • Work with other members of the CAG and the EC to prepare Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and evaluate bids from potential contractors.

Policies and Procedures

  • Contribute to the development of SIGGRAPH conference policies and procedures.
  • Adhere to all conference policies and procedures and assist in managing committee compliance.


  • Report regularly to the EC, CAG, and ACM regarding all conference activities.
  • Facilitate and participate in timely communication with the committee to provide direction and solve problems.
  • Represent the SIGGRAPH conference to other organizations, the media, and the public-at-large.


  • Responsible for contributing to the planning of all conference committee meetings to maximize efficient use of resources including people, time, and money.
  • Chair all conference meetings.
  • Attend all conference committee meetings, CAG meetings, EC meetings, and any other meetings as appropriate.


Conference Chairs are visionaries, leaders, and managers. The following lists of qualifications represent the “ideal” candidate. It is not mandatory that individuals meet every qualification to be eligible for the position of Chair.

  • SIGGRAPH Conference Chairs must hold current membership with both ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH throughout the duration of their conference planning cycle.
  • Conversant with computer graphics industry issues.
  • Familiarity with the SIGGRAPH conference (ideally a previous committee member chairing multiple programs).
  • Connected to an established network of individuals within the computer graphics and/or interactive community.
  • Strong, demonstrated, effective management expertise (able to articulate their own management style); able to manage a diverse group of people with varying needs, goals, and assumptions about their SIGGRAPH involvement.
  • Able and willing to devote the necessary amount of time to do the job; have solid support from both their employer and family. This position requires work during the day, after hours and over the weekend.
  • Able to make a three-year commitment to managing the conference and actively participating as a member of the CAG.
  • Demonstrates ability to negotiate, speak publicly, and lead meetings.
  • Flexible, diplomatic sense of humor.
  • Able to communicate a clear vision.
  • Is a strategist, able to chart clear directions, offer creative solutions, develop action plans, and respond to changing conditions and opportunities.
  • Able to motivate people and set expectations; able to build a team of people.
  • Aware of their own limitations.
  • Have their own set of clear criteria for success and failure; able to regularly assess their status and make mid-course corrections.
  • Able to articulate clear job descriptions for volunteers.
  • Able and willing to effectively delegate work.
  • Able to surface and resolve conflict comfortably.
  • Is politically savvy, having an awareness of both internal and external politics of the organization.

Application and Selection Process

The CAG is responsible for identifying and recommending Conference Chairs to the EC for approval. It is important to note that this is an open process to which anyone can apply. However, all information concerning who applies, data collected, and all discussions of candidates are kept strictly confidential. The selection process is accomplished in three phases:

Phase 1: Identify and encourage potential Chair candidates.

In May, three years prior to the conference year, the CAG posts an open call for volunteers for Conference Chairs in both SIGGRAPHITTI and on the organization website. In addition, the CAG discusses and identifies potential candidates to encourage them to apply. Potential candidates are identified from previous committee lists, personal knowledge, and recommendations. All individuals who express an interest are encouraged to apply and discuss the Conference Chair responsibilities with CAG members at the conference.

Phase 2: Collect application information from candidates.

Individuals who have expressed an interest in the Conference Chair position are requested to submit the following information to the Event Director for dissemination:

1) Current resume/s including relevant SIGGRAPH and related experience

2) Statement of interest to include the following: A self-evaluation discussing each point listed in the Conference Chair qualifications. Reasons they would like to serve in this position. What they would like to accomplish as Chair.

3) Any other information they would like to provide.

4) A list of references. Applications or questions about the application process should be submitted electronically to

All applications must be received by September 23, 2024.

Phase 3: Evaluate candidates and recommend Conference Chair/s to EC for approval.

The CAG will evaluate the collected information using the qualifications listed above. Primary candidates will be identified and formally interviewed by the CAG at their October meeting. Based on the evaluation and interviews, the CAG will identify a recommended Chair and submit it to the EC for approval within two weeks. All candidates will receive timely feedback on the status of their application as soon as possible.

Time Commitment

The role of Conference Chair is a major professional commitment lasting three years which requires an understanding of the amount of time required to adequately perform the many tasks involved. It is also important for the Conference Chair’s employer and family to understand the commitment and express their willingness to support this endeavor. The Conference Chair must be reachable within a reasonable amount of time for time-critical decisions during normal business hours. If the Conference Chair is in a position involving frequent or extended travel, they must have access to regular email and be reachable by phone. Although the exact amount of time varies significantly by individual and the current point-of-time in the conference planning cycle, the following guidelines of activities and average time requirements can be used as an estimate:

Daily (seven days a week)

  • Read and respond to conference email traffic: approximately 2 hours per day.
  • Handle and return phone calls: .5-1 hour per day.
  • Prepare and review documents: .25-.5 hour per day.
  • Other CAG Business: 2-5 hours per month


Committee Meetings: Starting the calendar year after selection, the Chair will be expected to attend:

Two Years Prior

  • Conference Advisory Group Meetings – In-person meetings in January, May and October. Potential for bi-weekly or monthly virtual meetings depending on the need.
  • N-1 Committee Meetings – Virtual Orientation, In-Person Kickoff, In-Person Program Proposal
  • Executive Committee Meetings – As requested by EC and as available by candidate

One Year Prior

  • Conference Advisory Group Meetings – In-person meetings January, May and October. Potential for bi-weekly or monthly virtual meetings depending on the need.
  • N Committee Meetings – February In-Person Kickoff, November In-Person Program Proposal
  • N-1 Committee Meetings – April In-Person Logistics, Sept/Oct In-Person Wrapup, occasional virtual committee meetings
  • Executive Committee Meetings – As requested by EC and as available by candidate

Conference Year

  • Conference Advisory Group Meetings – In-person meetings January, May and October. Potential for bi-weekly or monthly virtual meetings depending on the need.
  • N Committee Meetings – April In-Person Logistics, June In-Person Logistics, Sept/Oct In-Person wrapup
  • Executive Committee Meetings – As requested by EC and as available by candidate

Post Conference Year

  • Conference Advisory Group Meeting – In-person meeting in January