Join ACM SIGGRAPH Chair Mona Kasra on 27 June 2024 at 5:00 pm EST, in a moderated webinar discussion entitled ACM Open: Navigating the Open Access Publication Model with ACM Director of Publications Scott Delaman and ACM Senior Member Jonathan Aldrich. 

This webinar is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of ACM OPEN. Our speakers will discuss the open access model, publication tiering structures, the status of the transition to open access, the impact on ACM Digital Library, and the implications and benefits of Article Processing Charges (APC) for ACM SIGGRAPH authors and contributors. They will also engage in a Q&A session to address any additional concerns or questions from the audience. 

ACM transitions to 100% Open Access in January 2026. You can prepare for the webinar and learn more about the transition in an interview between Kasra and Aldrich on SIGGRAPH’s website. To learn more about ACM Open visit ACM Open website.

Please register for the webinar by following this link