Advisory Groups

SIGGRAPH Conference Advisory Group

The Conference Advisory Group, or CAG, is a volunteer-led group which provides multi-year policy and procedural oversight for all conference planning. This team develops and maintains policies that affect the SIGGRAPH conference, helps prepare the conference budget, recruits and onboards new conference chairs and CAG chairs, researches and recommends locations for future years of the conference, conducts program reviews, RFPs for conference contacts, and more. This group also collaborates with the Executive Committee and strategy groups to help identify the organization’s goals and structure the conference in support of those goals and meeting the needs of our community.

The CAG is made up of the CAG Chair, all the current conference chairs (usually the current year, the next year, and two years out), at least one and up to two members of the ACM SIGGRAPH EC as representatives to the CAG, up to two external representatives, our ACM liaison, and two of our SmithBucklin contractors who help manage our conference.

CAG Chair

Mikki Rose

Conference Advisory Group Chair
Mikros Animation
New York, USA
Term: 2023-2026 (2nd Term)

CAG Members

SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Advisory Group

SIGGRAPH Asia (SA) is the premier international conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques hosted in the Asia-Pacific region.

The SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Advisory Group (SACAG) manages the strategy and planning of SA conferences together with extending our work beyond individual conferences to have multi-year impact. The SACAG team also develops and maintains policies that affect the SA conference, helps to prepare the conference budget structure, oversees appointments of new SA conference and SACAG Chairs and members, evaluates locations for future SA conferences, and provides invaluable strategic advice to all SA conference program chairs and committees.

The SACAG collaborates closely with the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee and Strategy Committees to align SA conferences with the overall ACM SIGGRAPH mission and vision to strategically connect with the wider graphics and interactive techniques community.

The voting members of the SACAG consist of the SACAG Chair, the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee (EC) representative, two members at large, the Chief Staff Executive from Koelnmesse, all the chairs of the current and future SA conferences who have been appointed, and the immediate past SA conference chair. Non-voting SACAG members include project managers and SACAG appointed sounding member(s).


Tomasz Bednarz

SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Advisory Group Chair
NVIDIA Corporation
Sydney, Australia
Term: 2025-2027 (2nd term)

SACAG Members

  • David Spoelstra
  • Masa Inakage
  • Prakash Ramajillu
  • June Kim
  • Takeo Igarashi
  • Carrie de Souza
  • Pol Jeremias
  • Robin Bing-Yu Chen
  • Soo-Mi Choi
  • Taku Komura

Art Advisory Group

The AAG has been established to ensure that Art Gallery and Art Papers continue to be valued SIGGRAPH programs that serve the artist community and beyond.  This group will also provide counsel to the Conference Advisory Group (CAG) and SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Advisory Group (SACAG), as needed, on  multi-year, cross-conference issues that  affect the Art Gallery and Papers community.

AAG Chair

Victoria Szabo

Duke University
North Carolina, USA

AAG Members

Volunteer for the SIGGRAPH Conferences

Volunteers establish overall strategy for the annual SIGGRAPH conferences, manage conference planning and production, and oversee conference programs.

Computer Animation Festival Advisory Board

The Computer Animation Festival Advisory Board (CAFAB) was established to provide a long term vision to the Computer Animation Festival whilst promoting the SIGGRAPH Organization and Conferences through the international Traveling Show.


Mark Elendt

Computer Animation Festival Advisory Board Chair
Ontario, Canada
Term: 2022-2025

CAFAB Members

Governance Advisory Board

The Governance Advisory Board ensures that the ACM SIGGRAPH structure, policies, and procedures are reflective of what we do, what we should be doing, and are the most effective and efficient possible. After discussion of these issues, we make recommendations to the Executive Committee to make the final decision.

Governance Chair

Scott Owen

Governance Advisory Board
Georgia State University
Georgia, USA
Term: 2021-2024 (2nd Term)

Governance Members

Papers Advisory Group

The Papers Advisory Group (PAG) mission is to represent the institutional memory of the Technical Papers program, to support the Technical Papers Chairs, to provide continuity and communication among the Technical Papers Chairs, and to represent the papers community in multi-year, cross-conference issues.

The PAG’s appointed members have the following additional responsibility of recommending and vetting Technical Papers Chairs to the SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Chairs.

PAG Chair

George Drettakis

Papers Advisory Group Chair
French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (Inria)
Term: 2020-2025

PAG Members