Call for Submissions to WebVR Exhibition
The ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community is seeking projects for an online exhibition exploring the web browser as a medium for creative works of virtual reality. The exhibition, called "Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web" will open in May 2017, and will showcase web-based content that pushes conceptual or technological boundaries.
Learn more and submit your work.

What Does SIGGRAPH Mean to You?
To each of the thousands of attendees who make the annual pilgrimage to SIGGRAPH, the conference means something different. For a core group of attendees, however, SIGGRAPH is more than a professional gathering. It’s a family reunion.
Read the full post on the ACM SIGGRAPH blog.

Call for Student Volunteers in Los Angeles
Join the thousands of students who have volunteered at SIGGRAPH over the years, had their minds blown, and found themselves initiated into a talented and inspiring family of like-minded, tech-savvy creatives. The deadline for student volunteer applications is February 13, 2017.
Learn more and apply today or check out this video on volunteering.
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