Seeking Input on Our Future Direction
The ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee seeks input from the computer graphics and interactive techniques community on the future of the SIGGRAPH conference and the ACM SIGGRAPH organization. The committee is interested in hearing from professionals who may feel the organization and conference could be more relevant to their needs.
Through responses, the survey will also help the committee expand the direction of ACM SIGGRAPH into emerging areas of computer graphics.
All respondents will be entered into a drawing for one of several complimentary and discounted conference registrations to SIGGRAPH 2017, July 30-August 3 in Los Angeles.Take the online survey now.

Student Grants Available to Attend Turing Award Celebration
On June 23 and 24, 2017, past ACM Turing Award winners will join other ACM award recipients at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, California, for the 50 Years of the ACM Turing Award Celebration.
For two days, ACM Turing laureates and other computing experts will participate in a moderated panel exploring how the field has evolved and where it's headed. This historic event has been created in honor of five decades of the ACM Turing Award, the most prestigious award in the field of computer science, and the deserving scientists who have received it.
Attendance at this event is very limited, but ACM SIGGRAPH will be sponsoring 10 students to attend. More info and online application.

2017 Election Slate Annouced
The ACM SIGGRAPH election slate for 2017 has been announced. Below are the candidates for the positions of President, Vice President and Director-at-Large. Voting will begin in June, with the new EC members taking office in September. Read more.
- Jessica Hodgins, Carnegie Mellon University
- Alain Chesnais, JanusVR
Vice President
- Brian Wyvill, University of Victoria
- Evan Hirsch, Engine Co 4 LLC
- Peter Pike Sloan, Activision
- Hernando Bahamon, Bogota ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter
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Computer Graphics Events