Digital Art Exhibition "Altered Books" Opens
Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, the online exhibition "Altered Books: Digital Interventions" is a unique celebration of books as objects that can tell stories, carry experience, represent language, convey culture and archive memory. The pieces featured in the exhibition have been digitally altered, deconstructed and reconstructed to impart new meaning.

Call for Executive Committee Nominations
ACM SIGGRAPH is in search of candidates for three open director-at-large positions on the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee, with terms beginning July 1, 2016. Interviews will be conducted at SIGGRAPH 2015 in Los Angeles (August 9-13). Please visit the ACM SIGGRAPH website for more information.

Student Poster Contest Winners Announced
Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, the SpaceTime student poster competition is an annual event that never fails to elicits impressive entries from young computer graphics enthusiasts. The winners of this years competition:
- First Place: Lindsey Foy
- Second Place: Pei-hsuan-Lin
- Third Place: Marko Caldwell (image above, edited for size).

Reviewers Needed for Student Reel & Resume Reviews
ACM SIGGRAPH Student Services will be conducting reel, resume and portfolio reviews for students at SIGGRAPH 2015. The committee is looking for reviewers with expertise in all areas of production willing to donate a tiny fraction of their time at the conference to helping the next generation of CG experts. If interested, please contact Student Services using this form.
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