Watch SIGGRAPH Sessions Live
Can't make it to the conference this year? Join us online. Live streaming video is available for a number of popular sessions at SIGGRAPH. Select sessions will be available to view for one week beginning the morning following their original air times.

Looking for Conference Content?
SIGGRAPH 2016 content is now available for free in the ACM Digital Library for a one-month period that began two weeks before the conference, and will end a week after it concludes. Following this one-month "free access" window, the content is available at no cost in perpetuity, exclusively through open access links on SIGGRAPH.org.
In addition, USB drives of conference content will be on sale at SIGGRAPH 2016. There are two USB drive options. One drive contains conference presentations, organized by program and session, and the second contains selected pieces from the Computer Animation Festival and Daytime Selects program. The drives cost $30 each and will be shipped in September.

Attending SIGGRAPH 2016? Be sure to go to the "Meet the Candidates for the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee" BOF on Thursday, July 28 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Anaheim Convention Center, Room 213D. The candidates will discuss their visions for the future of ACM SIGGRAPH and answer questions.
Don't forget to vote!
The candidates speaking at SIGGRAPH 2016 are running in this year's election, but ACM SIGGRAPH also has three open positions for the 2017 election: President, Vice-President, and Director at Large. The Nominations Committee will be interviewing potential candidates at SIGGRAPH 2016 and choose a final slate by early 2017. The election will be held next summer and the winning candidates will take office September 1, 2017 for three-year terms. Those interested in applying for any of the positions, please contact Scott Owen. More information about the positions is available on the ACM SIGGRAPH website.
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