Still from Apotheosis of Glasgow High-rises by Myriam Thyes
Enhanced Vision – Digital Video Discussion
Kathy Rae Huffman, the curator of the Digital Art Community's award-winning online exhibition Enhanced Vision – Digital Video, chaired a special session at SIGGRAPH 2015 to explore the conceptual and technical contributions of the show's exceptional video works. The thoughtful commentary that arose during the session was compiled into an essay, which is available online, along with the show's entire selection of videos.

By Michael Green, The University of the Arts
Call for Participation: Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit
A call for participation has been announced for the 5th Annual Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit at SIGGRAPH. Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, the exhibit will consist of exceptional imagery and video created by students. The double-curated exhibit is open to all faculty working at secondary/high school through university levels.

Notice of Opening: ACM SIGGRAPH Project Manager
ACM SIGGRAPH is in search of an experienced, self-motivated project manager to coordinate ongoing projects within the organization and manage the execution of new initiatives. Click here to view and download a PDF of the full project manager position details.

March ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles
This month we interviewed Lou Harrison, Director of Educational Technology Services at NC State University, Juan Miguel de Joya, Technical Director Resident at Pixar Animation Studios, and Barb Helfer, Technical Program Manager at Immersion (and ACM SIGGRAPH Communications Chair). See what they have to say!
Notes and Addendums:
- If you'd like to add an event to the ACM SIGGRAPH calendar, we've made it easy -- just fill out this form.
- Looking for CG research? Did you know ACM SIGGRAPH has a searchable database with more than 13,000 unique entries from the fields of computer graphics, computer vision, animation, and perception?