SIGGRAPH 2016 Advance Program Released
The SIGGRAPH 2016 Advance Program is now available. This year's conference is packed with groundbreaking research and tech, fascinating sessions and regular opportunities to network with other computer graphics enthusiasts. If you haven't already registered, there's no time like the present. Early bird pricing ends June 3.

#SIGGRAPHchat on Women in CG
Don't miss next month's #SIGGRAPHchat: an hour-long, live-moderated event focused on a single topic of interest to SIGGRAPH people. The June chat will center on women in computer graphics. Use the hashtag to follow the conversation, and feel free to join in! June 22 at 2:00 p.m. PT.

May ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles
This month we interviewed Bonnie Mitchell, Professor at Bowling Green State University, Hye Yeon Nam, Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University, Mikki Rose, Fur Technical Director at Blue Sky Studios, Wobbe Koning, Assistant Professor at Monmouth University, and two faculty members from Middle Tennessee State University: Associate Professor Kevin McNulty and Professor Marc Barr. See what they have to say!

Real-time Skeletal Skinning with Optimized Centers of Rotation by Binh Huy Le and Jessica Hodgins
Technical Papers Preview
The Technical Papers Fast Forward for SIGGRAPH 2016 has been released. Sit back and soak in a flurry of brief, visual overviews of the research accepted to the SIGGRAPH 2016 Technical Papers program.
Computer Graphics Events
- June 20-June 22: HPG 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
- June 22-June 24: EGSR 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
- June 28-July 1: CGI '16 (Heraklion, Greece)
- July 5-July 8: WMSCI 2016 (Orlando, Florida, USA)
- July 11-July 13: SCA 2016 (Zurich, Switzerland)
- July 21-July 24: Web3D 2016 (Anaheim, California, USA)
- July 22-July 23: ACM SAP 2016 (Anaheim, California, USA)
- July 23: DigiPro 2016 (Anaheim, California, USA)
- July 24-July 28: SIGGRAPH 2016 (Anaheim, California, USA)