Pixar's RenderMan
Full Conference
One-Day Full Conference
Wednesday, 10 December, 09:00 - 17:00
Computer Lab
Level: Beginner
Attendance for this course is limited to 25 persons.
Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees who are interested in this session are required to join a dedicated queue labelled Pixar's Renderman Course at Level 1, Registration Counter, Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. The first 25 persons in this queue with their registration badges already collected will be allowed to attend the course. If you are hoping to attend this course, you are strongly advised to collect your registration badge the day before.
Transportation will be provided to and from the offsite computer laboratory where this course is presented. Departure time is 08:15, Wednesday, 10 December.
An overview of:
- The structure of RenderMan scene descriptions
- The implementation and application of custom shaders
- The use of RenderMan for Maya Pro
This full-day course is an intensive, hands-on practical introduction to the RenderMan system and Pixar's RenderMan, a high-quality renderer that is widely used in the animation and digital effects industry.
In the first part of the course, attendees gain sufficient familiarity with RenderMan's scene description protocol to enable them to edit and manipulate RIB files. RIB files enable modeling and animation applications to communicate with Pixar's RenderMan.
The second part of the course introduces the use of the RenderMan Shading Language (RSL). Attendees are not expected to have prior programming experience. The intention is to provide an overview of the creative potential of the shading language to the point where attendees will be confident to continue creating their own custom shaders with RSL. During the final part of the course, attendees use Pixar's high-end product, RenderMan Studio, in conjunction with AutoDesk's Maya. Prior experience with Maya will be advantageous, but it is not required.
Intended Audience
This course is ideal for artists and designers who have prior experience using a 3D modeling and animation application but who wish to investigate the features of a graphics system that has become the de-facto standard for the feature film industry.
Malcolm A. Kesson
Savannah College of Art and Design
Instructor Bio
Malcom Kesson has taught graphics programming to art students at the Savannah College of Art and Design for 11 years. He has presented RenderMan workshops at all five GRAPHITE conferences.