Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Full Conference
One-Day Full Conference
Saturday, 13 December
10:30 - 12:15
Room 303, 304, 305
Session Chair: Ken Anjyo
Adaptive Cutaways for Comprehensible Rendering of Polygonal Scenes
Generating cutaway renderings of polygonal models at interactive frame rates, using illustrative and non-photorealistic rendering cues to expose objects of interest in the context of nearby and enclosing objects
Michael Burns
Adam Finkelstein
Princeton University
Richness-Preserving Manga Screening
A novel method for screening manga-style drawings from photographs, by preserving the tone similarity, texture similarity, and chromaticity distinguishability.
Yingge Qu
Wai-Man Pang
Tien-Tsin Wong
Pheng-Ann Heng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Line-Art Illustration of Dynamic and Specular Surfaces
A real-time rendering system that can illustrate dynamic 3D models in line-art styles. The system can also illustrate reflections and refractions on specular surfaces.
Yongjin Kim
Pohang University of Science & Technology
Jingyi Yu
Xuan Yu
University of Delaware
Seungyong Lee
Pohang University of Science & Technology
Demarcating Curves for Shape Illustration
This paper defines a new class of view-independent curves (demarcating curves) and proves relations between them and other well-known curves. Their application to archaeological artifact illustration is demonstrated.
Michael Kolomenkin
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Ilan Shimshoni
University of Haifa
Ayellet Tal
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology