Courses: Overview

This brief overview will help familiarize potential contributors with style and features of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Courses program. Please read this information carefully, as it will help you create a more successful course proposal.

Courses are multi-hour, prepared lecture-style presentations that focus on the theory and practice of computer graphics and interactive techniques. Courses have been central to the North American SIGGRAPH conference's technical program for over 30 years. SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 is presenting a traditional Courses program like that of earlier SIGGRAPH conferences.

Course presentations provide a variety of learning perspectives and materials to engage their audiences. Presenters use text, images, video, animation, and other techniques to lead participants through concepts and ideas. Additionally, some courses provide interactive materials that attendees can access with their own computers via prior download or through wireless networks.

While most courses follow traditional lecture formats, courses are not limited to this style of presentation if the material is better suited to other presentation styles (interactive audience participation, for example). Content varies, too, from broad topic surveys to very specific details of a given theory or technique.

Courses are rated based on the general complexity of the material for the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 audience: Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced. Courses for beginners usually require only basic prerequisite knowledge and provide substantial context for introduction. Intermediate material usually requires specific skills and experience to ensure success with concepts being presented. Advanced courses provide in-depth focus on sophisticated ideas and are usually targeted at highly skilled individuals.

Course attendance may range from a few dozen to a over a thousand depending upon topic interest. The venue generally permits students to enter and leave classes at their own discretion, so the numbers and composition of the audience will often fluctuate throughout the presentation.

Courses have one of three fixed-format lengths: full-day (seven hours), half-day (3.5 hours), and tutorial (1.75 hours). Half-day courses are the most common, and typically have two or three lecturers, depending on course content. Tutorials are often taught by a single lecturer. Full day courses are rare, although may be valuable learning experiences for some topics.

The official language of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 is English. All spoken presentations, slide presentations, and course notes are expected by default to be in English. However, if there is a compelling reason that a presentation in Japanese would be better, or if translation assistance is required before or during the conference, we may be able to accommodate it. See Courses Submission Rules & Requirements for more information.

Proposal Process
Course proposals start with a course organizer. This individual identifies a topic of relevant interest to the SIGGRAPH community. The organizer designs a presentation outline and recruits qualified experts to present specific topics. Course organizers then create an electronic proposal for juried review by the Courses committee. Proposal requirements include providing a detailed syllabus of the course material, identifying the chosen presenters, providing a course notes sample (preferably with input from all presenters), and outlining special requirements of the presentation (for both the conference and audience). This material is peer-reviewed by volunteers in the professional and academic communities. The Courses Committee conducts final selection based on the reviews, scheduling constraints, and the goal of building a balanced courses program.

Course Notes
Each course presenter prepares electronic course notes and supplementary materials for conference publications such as the Full Conference DVD-ROM. Attendees can use these learning materials both at the conference and for reference after the event. They are also highly regarded resources for the rest of the SIGGRAPH community after the conference. Carefully prepared course notes contribute substantially to the success of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 courses, and are an integral part of the overall course presentation. All speakers in the course will contribute to designing and executing the final course notes and materials, which must be submitted approximately two months before the conference presentation.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 provides registration discounts and travel and lodging support for a limited number of presenters per course, depending on course length. Any additional presenters must provide their own travel and lodging support to present at the conference. For detailed information on compensation, see the Courses Reimbursement Policy .