What is the Submission and Authorization Agreement? Why must I sign it?
The ACM SIGGRAPH Submission and Authorization Agreement is a legal document that requires an acknowledgement of your right to show the material. This helps prevent situations whereby SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 presentations include material without permission that might lead to complaints or even legal action.
In addition, the Submission and Authorization Agreement allows you to grant or deny ACM SIGGRAPH the right to use the material for various distribution purposes, and asks if ACM SIGGRAPH may use your materials for conference and organizational promotion in exchange for full author/artist credit.
All accepted submissions must be accompanied by a completed Submission and Authorization Agreement.
Are there any rules for how I should answer the questions?
There are only two requirements for completing the Submission and Authorization Agreement:
1. Your answers to the first two questions must be YES: "I have the necessary rights, permissions and/or licenses ..." and "I grant non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free worldwide rights to ACM SIGGRAPH to present ..." A reply of NO to either question indicates that you do not have, and do not grant, the right to show the work, which will result in the work not being presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 .
NOTE: While you must answer YES to these questions, you may grant or deny all other rights as you wish. Denying all other rights will result in the work being shown ONLY at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 and not distributed or used in any other way. We encourage you to allow documentation of your work for the conference record and future promotions, however we respect your right to grant or deny any of the remaining permissions as you wish.
2. The agreement must be "signed" (electronically) in order for the work to be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 . Failure to complete and execute an electronic signature on the Submission and Authorization Agreement will result in the work not being presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 .
I have the necessary rights, permissions and/or licenses ... I grant exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free ...
You must answer YES to these questions in order for your work to be shown at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 . A response of NO indicates that you do not have, or have not obtained, the right to show the work; this will result in the work not being presented at the conference.
Audio Rights
Please use the dropdown box to indicate whether or not your accepted submission contains audio; if so, please check the appropriate response to indicate if you have the appropriate license(s), or will obtain the rights, before SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 . Copies of any licenses obtained must be included with your accepted submission.
Can I just grant (or deny) all of the "permissions" to use my material?
Yes. You may use this space to indicate that you grant ALL distribution and promotional rights (or deny ALL distribution and promotional rights) for your accepted submission. Otherwise, individual permissions may be granted or denied in the sections that follow.
Written documentation (description of the work, contributor contact info):
Pictorial documentation (still images in the submission)
Video-based documentation (film, if it was part of the submission)
Video archives of SIGGRAPH conference presentations produced and distributed on DVD-ROM
The conference DVD-ROM provides documentation of the presentations given at the conference and includes speakers, slides, and video components. The DVD-ROM is included with full conference registration and is made available for sale during and after the conference.
The ACM Digital Library
Where permission has been granted, presentations will be videotaped and included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the conference record. The Digital Library is a repository of content from ACM conferences and publications that is made available primarily for reference and research purposes. Example: members of the Technical Papers Committee receive Digital Library access in order to verify that paper submissions have not already been presented or published at SIGGRAPH Asia or elsewhere.
Digital movie files in the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Video Review (SVR) publications
The SIGGRAPH Asia Video Review (SVR) is a video publication (DVD format) that documents the works showcased in the Computer Animation Festival, primarily for historical and educational purposes.
Contributors who grant permission for their work to be included in the SVR maintain full copyright to their work, and ACM SIGGRAPH is committed to protecting that. Though SVR is a tremendous educational resource, distribution is fairly specialized and limited through the ACM organization (not available through stores, etc.) for an unlimited time, or until sold out.
Webcasts of SIGGRAPH Asia conference presentations
Although webcasting is not currently scheduled for SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 , it is a possibility. If you do not wish to make your presentation and/or materials available via webcasting, please check Deny for this permission question.
I grant ACM SIGGRAPH permission to use video and/or audio recordings of my presentation for promotional and educational purposes, and I have the necessary rights ...
Please check "Grant" if you wish to have your SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 presentation and/or materials used for conference promotion and/or education in the future, and you have (or have obtained) the rights to grant this permission.
I grant ACM SIGGRAPH royalty-free, non-exclusive permission to use the materials, in their original and/or modified forms, for conference promotion and organization publicity, and I have the necessary rights ...
Please check "Grant" if you wish to have your submitted materials used to promote/ publicize SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 , and you have (or have obtained) the rights to grant this permission.